Stupid Kinking Twisted Knotted Power Washer Hose

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Sep 18, 2002
Is there a power washer hose that will not kink? I want one that won't knot up while my wife is up of the roof. It will not twist while she is going around the back of the car and hang up.
Plus it is so freaking heavy it ends up bruising her legs as I give her instructions and point out areas she missed.

I'm tired of having her unroll my 50 foot hose and laying it straight in the driveway every time before she can use it. Does anybody have the hose technology to supply me what I want?

I really want to save my marriage and I'm thinking this may just be the trick.
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Maybe don't have the wife up on the roof pressure washing? That's where I would start if I wanted to save my marriage.

All pressure washers require a straight hose. So keep unwinding it on the driveway.
I have to unroll my hose, otherwise you risk kinking it when pulling on it. Then you've created a weak spot in it after that.
Originally Posted By: bubbatime
Maybe don't have the wife up on the roof pressure washing? That's where I would start if I wanted to save my marriage.

All pressure washers require a straight hose. So keep unwinding it on the driveway.

I'm scared fo heights. I do hold the ladder for her.
Originally Posted By: Kira
Outsmarted by a hose.......actually, I've been there.

Please help me. How did you outsmart your hose?
Originally Posted By: mrsilv04
OK, I'll get this out of the way. Is this a set up...?

Well, I may have "twisted" the facts a little. But the part about me finding some kind of flexible hose is FACT. I finally got some tubes in the tires as they used always be flat when I tried to pull the washer out of the garage. So it will now roll without me dislocating my shoulder and knocking over the tool rack and trash can as I jerk and pull and jerk the power washer to get it outside. By that time the hose is all twisted up and lassoed around the lawn mower and leaf blower.

This hose is from 2000. It's stiff as my forearm used to be. There has to be something better out there. I'm getting ready to pressure wash my deck and I want my wife to get good workout but not this good. After all, she has
to take a day from work without pay so she's not really that happy to begin with. I did promise I'd take her to Taco Bell after she finished and I would buy here whatever she wanted. The sky would be the limit.
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Originally Posted By: Rand
Get the lightest cheapest hose.. they are usually more flexible.. however due to the pressure they will always be somewhat stiff.

I'm assuming you have an under 3500psi pressure washer.. if its something commercial strength then you probably need the stiff jacket kind.

Rand, Good Point. Reality check.
It's basically hydraulic hose and will kink up because of it's stiff internals.

A reel will help for more compact storage, but I prefer to allow it to be more open and relaxed in a much larger hand rolled spool. Spooling it up nicely and getting the rolling out helps, but the struggle will always be present.
Instead of getting a new hose, you could trade the wife in on a younger one, maybe from a third world nation. They tend to be a little stronger, and don't complain as much at first!
Originally Posted By: ArrestMeRedZ
Instead of getting a new hose, you could trade the wife in on a younger one, maybe from a third world nation. They tend to be a little stronger, and don't complain as much at first!

I don’t know. It’s taken me many years to dekink her as it is. But you got my wheels turning
That’s one heck of a long hose for a simple pressure washer. That’s why am happy with nothing more than a 25 foot because anything more is too hard to manage and kink constantly. I hope she’s not blasting i away at
shingles because pressure washing the shingle roof isn’t doing any favors for it. I know how women are with that sort of thing. They’ll happily destroy something to make it PRETTY. I’ve been fighting that battle on my life.
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