Stanford Professor warns massive UFO disclosure is around the corner.

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We demand absolute answers, not mysticism and or juvenile answers like a "bus full of hippies".
But you cannot convince me that Ancient Aliens and other mystical media did not cause people to write in demanding the government (DNI) take up this topic.
This problem is exacerbated when our government reverses itself from a near 80 year old position on the subject.
That seems to fall under "conspiracy theories" which we should avoid if we are truly seeking scientific answers to the UAP phenomenon.
But you cannot convince me that Ancient Aliens and other mystical media did not cause people to write in demanding the government (DNI) take up this topic.

That seems to fall under "conspiracy theories" which we should avoid if we are truly seeking scientific answers to the UAP phenomenon.

I cant speak to anyone else agenda, I believe it was the leaked Nimitz encounter data and associated NY times article that created a demand for answers, on top of billionaire businessman Robert Bigelows claims, and the discovery of AATIP. Id hate to think anyone puts stock in Tsoukalos.

Which story is the conspiracy though? Were we being lied to prior? Or lied to now. I'm all for hard data a losing the emotions around the subject.
I am grateful for all the knowledge sharing in this post. I also think we are all saying the same thing, but that's just my 2 cents.
Personally, being wrong is one of the best things in my life because it means I am learning.
The subject went from never being taken seriously, to the DOD, Navy and CIA admitting there are objects entering our airspace (and oceans) that defy physics as we know it (80,000 ft to seal level in .79 seconds) and that possibly some of them are not terrestrial. That is a fact. It's a fact in that that is what they have said.

There is no disputing this. As to what they are we simply don't know.

These are highly credible people saying this. Not a bunch of kooks making things up. It's real.
The subject went from never being taken seriously, to the DOD, Navy and CIA admitting there are objects entering our airspace that defy physics as we know it (80,000 ft to seal level in .79 seconds) and that possibly some of them are not terrestrial. That is a fact. It's a fact in that that is what they have said.

There is no disputing this. As to what they are we simply don't know.

These are highly credible people saying this. Not a bunch of kooks making things up. It's real.
It's a fact the radar said this, not that it actually happened.
It's possible the data is incorrect.
The subject went from never being taken seriously, to the DOD, Navy and CIA admitting there are objects entering our airspace that defy physics as we know it (80,000 ft to seal level in .79 seconds) and that possibly some of them are not terrestrial. That is a fact. It's a fact in that that is what they have said.

There is no disputing this. As to what they are we simply don't know.

These are highly credible people saying this. Not a bunch of kooks making things up. It's real.
It is absolutely not a fact that the objects did those things. You misplace concreteness.

It is a fact; that the operators of sensors saw those sensors report those parameters.

It’s a very long way from sensor report, to actual object performance.

It‘s worth investigating, but as of this moment, the track data itself is under investigation. It may, or may not, be accurate track data. It may, or may not, be an actual object performing at those parameters.

Don‘t leap to conclusions just yet.
It might be more accurate to say that people in general know very little about science in general although mankind itself knows a lot about science. I bring up the standard model once in a while and pretty much no one I've really run into knows anything about it. Including I think, several people on this thread.
Reminds me of people who say, "It's just a theory". Tell me you know nothing about science without telling me you nothing about
Science is defined as: the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

Technology is defined as: the branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied sciences.

There can be both break throughs and refinements in both science and technology.

And as said before, just because it "seems" like humans have "models" (some that have no real empirical testing verification) and "seem to know" everything at this point in time about the whole Universe doesn't mean they will never find new discoveries or not keep refining what is already known.
In a discussion about the lack of mainstream coverage of UAPs, Jim Semivan said:
"Really, it's the phenomenon's fault. You know - screw that, screw them. They come into your bedroom, they come over your car, they're the ones causing all this ****, and all they're doing is waving at us right and flipping us the middle finger, because essentially, they're basically saying 'Look we're here. we're here. We''ll give you this, you can't catch us, we'll let you get close, but not too close.'. I told Robert Hastings once:: 'They tease you, cajole you, they see you, they don't say anything, do anything but they'll never introduce themselves to your parents' ..... The phenomena isn't giving us anything, it's been doing this for more than 2,000 years, since recorded history. it's been playing with us and this is why John Keel made that statement 'It's a ****ed cosmic joke'. They're deceitful, whatever the hell they are, they're doing it on purpose,.
We're still trying to find the needle in the haystack, we're still trying to figure out the signal from the noise. Someone once mentioned to me, you know, we haven't connected the dots. I said I don't even know if there are any dots, let alone trying to connect them."

And as said before, just because it "seems" like humans have "models" (some that have no real empirical testing verification) and "seem to know" everything at this point in time about the whole Universe doesn't mean they will never find new discoveries or not keep refining what is already known.
There's actually a lot more left out there to discover, but we already know a lot about the universe. There's a difference between knowing a lot and knowing everything. No one is claiming that we know everything. Or that we will ever know everything. There's also the theory of the singularity where we are advancing to a point where you can't see beyond a certain point because advances will make the future hard to predict after those advances become wide spread.
The pilots here do not believe the aviators claims.
I wouldn't either. If people don't do their own research, they'll just go by what they already know. This has been going on for decades. It's nothing new.
I watched a tv show yesterday, where RADAR showed an aircraft wildly changing altitude - many hundreds to a thousand feet of change.

The pilots testified that no altitude change had occurred.

Their black box flight recorder *proved* that no altitude change had occurred.

I'm amazed that a vocal few here are so aggressively pushing for belief without unbiased proof. Have the hundreds (thousands?) of nonsense tv shows brainwashed some of us?

Oh-heck! Let's get in the spirit of this thread, and suggest that gov't 'influencers' ( ;D ) are aiming the course of this thread!
"I will promise you this, there is no Chinese, Russian or US version of the TicTac - it doesn't exist. It's something else and anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is full of beans.....This is real, the evidence is extraordinary, the evidence is overwhelming - we're just trying to find a theory that fits the evidence." - Jim Semivan (former CIA)

Jim retired in 2007 after a 25-year career in the Central Intelligence Agency’s National Clandestine Service. At the time of his retirement he was a member of the CIA’s Senior Intelligence Service. Jim served multiple overseas and domestic tours along with senior management positions in CIA headquarters. He is the recipient of the Agency's Career Intelligence Medal.

I wouldn't either. If people don't do their own research, they'll just go by what they already know. This has been going on for decades. It's nothing new.

The problem simply flushing this incident, is the correlating data between multiple sensors and direct observation from multiple aviators.
And as said before, just because it "seems" like humans have "models" (some that have no real empirical testing verification) and "seem to know" everything at this point in time about the whole Universe doesn't mean they will never find new discoveries or not keep refining what is already known.
Of course, we will make new discoveries and revisions but in my opinion, those revisions, if any, will be very minor. Some constant's value or the mass of something revised out to 6 decimal places based on experimental measurements vs theoretical prediction. I just do not see the standard model being completely upended and tossed because there is some new kind of physics we just didn't see coming. The standard model IS THAT GOOD. Literally, can be used to explain every thing that happens.
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