Stanford Professor warns massive UFO disclosure is around the corner.

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A few weeks earlier, businessman Kenneth Arnold had become a media sensation when he claimed that his light plane was buzzed over Cascade Mountains, Washington, by nine disks like ‘saucers that skipped across the water’.
Heard is was near Mt. Rainer which is in the Cascade mountain range.
Exactly ... nobody knows for sure exactly where humans are on the scale from 0 to 100 on "all-knowing" the total ultimate limits of nature and science to fully understand all possible facets. And they will probably never know, because nobody knows where that limit actually resides.
But we do! How? There aren't a whole lot of things happening in our universe that we can't explain. Look I don't mean to be condescending here but if you speak to people who are experts in science, PhDs in physics and cosmology, the people who really know what we know, they disagree with you. The fact is there are VERY FEW natural phenomena that we can't explain with our current knowledge and for those we can't we at least have very good educated guesses. Our ability to figure those out definitively is more a technical challenge than a does our current state of knowledge explain it challenge.

Can I tell you we are a 96.4 on a scale of 0 - 100? Nope. Can I say we're not sitting at 20 out of 100? Yes. How? 80% of the natural phenomenon in the universe are NOT unexplainable with our current understanding. It's really not more complicated than that. One key point in physics is nothing is in isolation and everything affects everything else. I love reading a physics book where the author talks about how just a 0.1% change in this physical constant would result in atoms never condensing into matter, stars never forming, galaxies never forming, and instead of our current universe, you'd have a bunch of free-floating atoms. When you are talking about fundamental physics it has such profound and wide-ranging effects that everything around you becomes a way of assessing whether or not you understanding is accurate.
The UFO field/topic is cluttered with garbage. So much so that scientists for years have been afraid to touch it. That has changed and that is the significant part.

The U.S. government has finally come out and said we don't know what these objects are that are interacting with our airspace. Again, this is now being acknowledged by senior government and military officials. No one is saying they are aliens, interdimensional beings etc. It remains a mystery.

I'm not a fan of ancient aliens. That is sensationalism.

When multiple former CIA/Military officials come out and say:

"I will promise you this, there is no Chinese, Russian or US version of the TicTac - it doesn't exist. It's something else and anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is full of beans.....This is real, the evidence is extraordinary, the evidence is overwhelming - we're just trying to find a theory that fits the evidence."

.....I listen.

Don't knock it until you actually look into it. You may be surprised. I was and I've been a lifelong skeptic to say the least.

90% of all UFO cases can usually be explained. It's that 10% we're really talking about.
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@buster had you said 1%, I would be more inclined to believe it, there is no way that the number is as large as 10% of unexplained sightings.

As far as government, a branch does not count THE government now does it?

It is well established and proven that CIA smuggled drugs into US, funded the drug lords and in general created the needed contacts and infrastructure for this illegal trade, and in turn the government declared war on drugs which in turn created a branch we know as DEA. So on one hand we have “the government” smuggling the drugs in and on the other we have “the government” fighting the drugs.

So please do not wheel out “the government” as some sort of proof. If anything it’s just another coverup story and aliens is a convenient vehicle for it. But that’s crazy conspiracy theory stuff, right? Believing in aliens is so much more logical 🤣

On the other hand, it must be nice to be flip-flopping in one’s beliefs and arguments. With Roswell, Area 51 and others you guys don’t believe the government, and now all of the sudden the government can be believed with their UFO claims. You guys must have some sort of truth radar that detects when the government is lying or not. 🛸
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Google ‘Fermi Paradox’. I suspect that we are alone in the universe and that intelligent life is unique to our planet. I of course could be wrong but that’s my guess.
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" 2. Area 51​

Real. The biggest confusion with Area 51 is that it has nothing to do with Roswell, NM or the alleged 1947 saucer crash. They're in different states, and Area 51 hadn't even been built yet; so there wasn't much reason for any dead aliens to have been brought there. It was built in the 1950s, mainly to develop the super-secret A-12 and SR-71 reconaissance planes. Nobody actually calls it Area 51, it's usually informally called The Ranch and formally the National Classified Test Facility. Contrary to popular rumors, the military doesn't now, or in the past, deny its existence. That big word "classified" in its name simply means they don't discuss what happens there.

Much of its history has since been declassified, and nothing has really surprised anyone who works in aviation journalism. Most secret American aircraft that were classified before they became publicly known, such as the A-12, SR-71, F-117, and TACIT BLUE have been tested and developed there. That's why it's out in the middle of nowhere, safely hidden behind off-limits mountains.

A Google Earth study of Area 51 shows that activity has dropped off a lot there in recent years, probably because all the attention and budgets are shifting toward uncrewed craft.

But if the aliens weren't taken to Area 51, maybe they were taken to this alleged underground facility in New Mexico, home to gray aliens and reptilian beings:

3. Dulce Base​

Fictional. Despite its having been featured in a number of television shows, comic books, and novels, there is no evidence that any underground "base" of any kind exists inside Archuleta Mesa, about 5 km north of the city of Dulce, NM. It's frequently referenced on UFO websites and conspiracy websites, and usually described as a joint operation between aliens and the US military. The story began when a local UFO enthusiast, Paul Bennewitz, believed he was receiving radio transmissions from underneath the mesa in the 1970s. Within a few years, another UFO fan, Phil Schneider, claimed to have been an employee there, and has given detailed descriptions of its 7-level underground structure, its population of 18,000 aliens, and descriptions of the terrible experiments they perform on human subjects. It also supposedly has an underground train connection to Los Alamos National Laboratory, 130 kilometers away.

It's trivial to study Google Earth images of Archuleta Mesa and see that there's nothing there at all, certainly nothing like Schneider's elaborate descriptions that include surface buildings and radar installations. And that no subway exists between there and Los Alamos. It also seems a little suspicious that Phil Schneider would be freely allowed to go around talking about his supposedly top-secret job. For a great discussion of All Things Dulce, see the Skeptoid blog article on the website...

Some say that the United States maintains an underwater Area 51 in the Bahamas. "

Phil Schneider was a nut case and wound up doing himself in accidentally. He couldn't find Dulce,NM on a map without help.
@buster had you said 1%, I would be more inclined to believe it, there is no way that the number is as large as 10% of unexplained sightings.

As far as government, a branch does not count THE government now does it?

It is well established and proven that CIA smuggled drugs into US, funded the drug lords and in general created the needed contacts and infrastructure for this illegal trade, and in turn the government declared war on drugs which in turn created a branch we know as DEA. So on one hand we have “the government” smuggling the drugs in and on the other we have “the government” fighting the drugs.

So please do not wheel out “the government” as some sort of proof. If anything it’s just another coverup story and aliens is a convenient vehicle for it. But that’s crazy conspiracy theory stuff, right? Believing in aliens is so much more logical 🤣

On the other hand, it must be nice to be flip-flopping in one’s beliefs and arguments. With Roswell, Area 51 and others you guys don’t believe the government, and now all of the sudden the government can be believed with their UFO claims. You guys must have some sort of truth radar that detects when the government is lying or not. 🛸
KrisZ you clearly haven't done any of your own research. Look into Jaques Vallee, read and study more. Seriously, you're not convincing me of anything, no offense to you. :ROFLMAO:

Of course I'm aware of that. So all CIA activity is bad? There can't be legitimate people saying legitimate things? You make no sense and are cherry picking. Billions of people on this planet believe in imaginary gods/religions. I personally do not. I'm willing to bet that there is MORE evidence of some type of unknown phenomenon occurring than what billions of people are believing with their respective religions.
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No offense to the skeptics, but I'm not impressed with your rebuttals. Not even a little bit. Heard it all before. I'm well aware of the scientific method. I'm well aware of Roswell, hoaxes, charlatans. I have a BS in Economics/Biology and have taken physics, biology, chemistry etc. Research needs to be done and is being done on this topic.

The fact of the matter is it is now being taken seriously by the scientific community. We are way past this idea that they are nothing of significance. If you think that then you're just not caught up and behind the curve. No offense.
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Google ‘Fermi Paradox’. I suspect that we are alone in the universe and that intelligent life is unique to our planet. I of course could be wrong but that’s my guess.
Old news.
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Reports have always been taken seriously. Investigations into the phenomena have been going on for decades.

But taking things seriously, and proving they're true, are not even close to the same.

It's a long road, full of twists and turns from investigate to proof.

Be careful not to get too far ahead of the process - lest you find yourself believing things that aren't true.

" 2. Area 51​

Real. The biggest confusion with Area 51 is that it has nothing to do with Roswell, NM or the alleged 1947 saucer crash. They're in different states, and Area 51 hadn't even been built yet; so there wasn't much reason for any dead aliens to have been brought there. It was built in the 1950s, mainly to develop the super-secret A-12 and SR-71 reconaissance planes. Nobody actually calls it Area 51, it's usually informally called The Ranch and formally the National Classified Test Facility. Contrary to popular rumors, the military doesn't now, or in the past, deny its existence. That big word "classified" in its name simply means they don't discuss what happens there.

Much of its history has since been declassified, and nothing has really surprised anyone who works in aviation journalism. Most secret American aircraft that were classified before they became publicly known, such as the A-12, SR-71, F-117, and TACIT BLUE have been tested and developed there. That's why it's out in the middle of nowhere, safely hidden behind off-limits mountains.

A Google Earth study of Area 51 shows that activity has dropped off a lot there in recent years, probably because all the attention and budgets are shifting toward uncrewed craft.

But if the aliens weren't taken to Area 51, maybe they were taken to this alleged underground facility in New Mexico, home to gray aliens and reptilian beings:

3. Dulce Base​

Fictional. Despite its having been featured in a number of television shows, comic books, and novels, there is no evidence that any underground "base" of any kind exists inside Archuleta Mesa, about 5 km north of the city of Dulce, NM. It's frequently referenced on UFO websites and conspiracy websites, and usually described as a joint operation between aliens and the US military. The story began when a local UFO enthusiast, Paul Bennewitz, believed he was receiving radio transmissions from underneath the mesa in the 1970s. Within a few years, another UFO fan, Phil Schneider, claimed to have been an employee there, and has given detailed descriptions of its 7-level underground structure, its population of 18,000 aliens, and descriptions of the terrible experiments they perform on human subjects. It also supposedly has an underground train connection to Los Alamos National Laboratory, 130 kilometers away.

It's trivial to study Google Earth images of Archuleta Mesa and see that there's nothing there at all, certainly nothing like Schneider's elaborate descriptions that include surface buildings and radar installations. And that no subway exists between there and Los Alamos. It also seems a little suspicious that Phil Schneider would be freely allowed to go around talking about his supposedly top-secret job. For a great discussion of All Things Dulce, see the Skeptoid blog article on the website...

Some say that the United States maintains an underwater Area 51 in the Bahamas. "

I have a cousin who's retired USAF Col and was based out of Dayton OH. He said all the good stuff has been stored at Wright-Patterson. ;)
Jeffrey Shainline
Physicist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
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Why does a UFO disclosure need a warning?

Posturing alone is silly.

Wouldn’t it be Scientist looking forward to UFO disclosure instead?
Despite the many kooky explanations that they are "among us", my guess is that we are being observed. I can't prove that nor can anyone else at this time. Just like we study species here on Earth, it would not surprise me if that were the case.
Maybe Earth is just a petting zoo and we are the main attraction?

Maybe Anunaki bread apes with who knows what to create species obsessed with shiny things so that it would gather gold for them? They come over every few thousand years to take the gold away. Maybe it’s that time again?

If one lets their imagination go wild, all things are possible, except the logical and down to earth ones, it seems.
Maybe Earth is just a petting zoo and we are the main attraction?

Maybe Anunaki bread apes with who knows what to create species obsessed with shiny things so that it would gather gold for them? They come over every few thousand years to take the gold away. Maybe it’s that time again?

If one lets their imagination go wild, all things are possible, except the logical and down to earth ones, it seems.
I never rule out it could be nothing at all and that we are alone in the universe. It remains a mystery.
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