Sorry - repeating ?'s on shaeffers over and over

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Dec 4, 2005
After doing a serach I basically see the same questions asked over and over.. There is some little bits added here and there - but basically the same..

I also see - there is a heck of a lot of tech stuff to look at instead of JUST taking someones word on good stuff "someone" used on something - and etc, etc...

One real question should be for my "wishes"

1. I don't really care about going to the last drop in OCI - what I wish is say 7500 - 12,500 on good oil. To keep the engine clean as possible and have the 500,000 or 1,000,000 dodge truck. (if I decide to take it that far). Min. wear..
change out the oil to keep it new/clean/etc..

2. Say again clean engine.. Right now the basic cost of schaeffers vrs dino change out with coupons at dealer is about the same... I must say I have been changing out my oil at 3500 - 4,500 miles - with the first change out at 1,500 and 3,000 and 5,000 (for the record).. I got sucked into the dealer telling me they req. normal oil OCI with the new cummins.. While I did not mind changing my oil for $27 oil/filter.. I finally woke up and smelled the coffee and decided to find some really good oil for my $35,000 truck/etc, etc.

3. may put in a oilguard bypass to change once a year/etc..

4. IS a high quality blend like the schaeffers enough with change outs at 7,500 - 9,000 with a basic bypass to keep the truck ticking at 500,000 with min. oil issue problems occuring from wear/bluidup/gunk/etc... I know - OUI's - I plan to do several and find out.. It is just after reading some of the BITOG "purist" comments and others stuff - its leaves you to wonder about products and realize most people don't know what they are using/selling/talking of... (the LAST statement is NO reflection on schaeffers stuff! for the record! OR this web forum! )

It is I just can't "now" decide to use a true syn.. or just keep my blend..

ps: 2004 dodge HPCR cummins, automatic, South Texas heat.

ps: guess I wil start another thread on B20 fuel - is there any thing to know about when running biodiesel and crank oils..
I know that with a bypass and a synthetic blend you can do 10,000 OCI's without any problems. Full synthetics with a bypass a good number is in the 15,000 OCI range with a bypass. I have a 6.9 that had a steady diet of 30 wt. synthetic with a bypass with 20 to 25K OCI's that still runs like a top closing in on 350 K....only an UOA can make that determination for you. Keep the blend and install the bypass (I really like the Amsoil Ea bypass filter) and do 10K's if you don't want to bother with UOA's.

IS a high quality blend like the schaeffers enough with change outs at 7,500 - 9,000 with a basic bypass to keep the truck ticking at 500,000 with min. oil issue problems occuring from wear/bluidup/gunk/etc...

Schaeffers 15w-40 will fit the bill,or the 9000 5w-40,use a decent filter and keep up on basic maintenance on engine, air filters etc.good fuel and adds,as Schaeffers #139 Soyshield,your engine will last.BL
Your Cummins, if it is the "600" engine like mine, should have 7500-15000 OCI specified in the manual depending on usage. If you aren't pulling much you ought to be able to do 15K without a bypass easily with Schaeffer's, either 7000 or 9000.
Just spoke with a friend w/ 80K on a 40' American Dream. He has gotten 25,000 miles with Schaeffer blend using the UAO approach, the low was 15K. I am considering th 7000/ or 9000 is a recently acquired 1995 Nav.7.3 PS Ford with 29' of RV.

Does the Arizona heat make a difference in the choice of 7000/9000?
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