I take care of a small fleet of MD Freightliner trucks. Every fall I change the oil and fill up with the ESP 0W40. This has worked well for us in the Canadian winters. Trucks always start up even in -25*C without being plugged in overnight. We don't have electrical outlets in the yard where the trucks are parked..
The trucks with large sumps (24 litres) go a full year on this fill. This is about 25K kms of city stop and go driving. Oil analysis has confirmed that the ESP is up to the task.
Now with summer upon us, I was wondering if it makes sense to top up with the less expensive 1300 15W40, to keep the trucks going till the fall oil change. I would have reservations if I was mixing brands but figured it might be ok as long as I stay with Mobil.
15W40 and 0W40 are both engine manufacturer approved grades for summer temperatures for the engines in our trucks..
The trucks with large sumps (24 litres) go a full year on this fill. This is about 25K kms of city stop and go driving. Oil analysis has confirmed that the ESP is up to the task.
Now with summer upon us, I was wondering if it makes sense to top up with the less expensive 1300 15W40, to keep the trucks going till the fall oil change. I would have reservations if I was mixing brands but figured it might be ok as long as I stay with Mobil.
15W40 and 0W40 are both engine manufacturer approved grades for summer temperatures for the engines in our trucks..
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