Mixing Delvac 1 ESP 0W40 with Delvac 1300 Super 15W40

May 10, 2005
Toronto, Canada
I take care of a small fleet of MD Freightliner trucks. Every fall I change the oil and fill up with the ESP 0W40. This has worked well for us in the Canadian winters. Trucks always start up even in -25*C without being plugged in overnight. We don't have electrical outlets in the yard where the trucks are parked..

The trucks with large sumps (24 litres) go a full year on this fill. This is about 25K kms of city stop and go driving. Oil analysis has confirmed that the ESP is up to the task.

Now with summer upon us, I was wondering if it makes sense to top up with the less expensive 1300 15W40, to keep the trucks going till the fall oil change. I would have reservations if I was mixing brands but figured it might be ok as long as I stay with Mobil.

15W40 and 0W40 are both engine manufacturer approved grades for summer temperatures for the engines in our trucks..
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How about running the truck out a bit more to compensate for the slightly extra cost of using the 0w-40 for top-ups. Can't you try 30k km on the 0w-40? I'd just stick to using one or the other. I understand the cost savings but that can be dealt with by stretching out the ODI a bit. I say stretch it some more & keep topping up with the 0w-40. The 1300 has lower additives than the 40.
as @fantastic noted, i would avoid mixing two completely different products even from the same company. add packs are different and you could be diminishing the lubes abilities by doing so. at 1year/oci i cant imagine much more savings to be had, you’re getting your moneys worth out of the ESP.
A quick call to Mobil in Calgary will clear up your question to whether or not the additive packages are compatible.
Usually it's ok to blend same brand and family together with the only difference being the viscosity grade, in this case Delvac CK-4.

I've mixed Duron grades together for decades, also T-6 with T-5 etc.
Now with summer upon us, I was wondering if it makes sense to top up with the less expensive 1300 15W40, to keep the trucks going till the fall oil change. I would have reservations if I was mixing brands but figured it might be ok as long as I stay with Mobil.
I have used Delvac 1300 15W-40 in old school 90s era Diesel engines. It's okay motor oil, but not as good as Mobil Delvac ESP 0W-40. I wouldn't mix it. Just because they're both manufactured by Mobil doesn't mean much, if anything. The chemical composition of each is vastly different, because Mobil Delvac 1300 is targeted at the price sensitive market. I would just stick with Mobil Delvac ESP 0W-40 all year around, including for topping of. Ultimately, the choice is yours. I'm only giving you my personal opinion.
I have used Delvac 1300 15W-40 in old school 90s era Diesel engines. It's okay motor oil, but not as good as Mobil Delvac ESP 0W-40. I wouldn't mix it. Just because they're both manufactured by Mobil doesn't mean much, if anything. The chemical composition of each is vastly different, because Mobil Delvac 1300 is targeted at the price sensitive market. I would just stick with Mobil Delvac ESP 0W-40 all year around, including for topping of. Ultimately, the choice is yours. I'm only giving you my personal opinion.
We ran the Delvac 1300 in a variety of engines. Typically we tried to limit it to 250 hrs due to the severe service but there were a couple of occasions that circumstances didnt allow us to change until we got close to 500 hrs. The analysis always came back good with life left in the oil. The Delvac 1300 is a solid value and never let us down. I would have zero issues using it for a top off. My view of the add pack is that you now have the best of both oils rather than them competing. I doubt you are the first company that has had to go back and forth between the 2 flavors.
I have used Delvac 1300 15W-40 in old school 90s era Diesel engines. It's okay motor oil, but not as good as Mobil Delvac ESP 0W-40. I wouldn't mix it. Just because they're both manufactured by Mobil doesn't mean much, if anything. The chemical composition of each is vastly different, because Mobil Delvac 1300 is targeted at the price sensitive market. I would just stick with Mobil Delvac ESP 0W-40 all year around, including for topping of. Ultimately, the choice is yours. I'm only giving you my personal opinion.
"The chemical composition is vastly different"
Where did you find that information?
"The chemical composition is vastly different"
Where did you find that information?
The additive packages in these oils are different. Mobil’s ESP lubricants are their most advanced formulations, focusing on keeping SAPS and sulfur low without compromising wear protection. Delvac 1300 is a good oil, but it's designed to keep costs down. Generally, as sulfur and SAPS content decreases in modern oil formulations, the cost goes up, with some exceptions in high-performance oils.

The HTHS of Delvac 1300 Super 15W-40 is slightly lower compared to ESP 0W-40. Delvac 1300 Super is a synthetic blend, using a mix of Group III and lower base oils, while ESP 0W-40 is a full-synthetic and mainly uses PAO.

Here are the SDS snippets for both:

  • Delvac 1300 Super 15W-40:


  • Delvac ESP 0W-40:


Based on this information, I concluded that the chemical compositions of these two motor oils are vastly different.
I take care of a small fleet of MD Freightliner trucks. Every fall I change the oil and fill up with the ESP 0W40. This has worked well for us in the Canadian winters. Trucks always start up even in -25*C without being plugged in overnight. We don't have electrical outlets in the yard where the trucks are parked..

The trucks with large sumps (24 litres) go a full year on this fill. This is about 25K kms of city stop and go driving. Oil analysis has confirmed that the ESP is up to the task.

Now with summer upon us, I was wondering if it makes sense to top up with the less expensive 1300 15W40, to keep the trucks going till the fall oil change. I would have reservations if I was mixing brands but figured it might be ok as long as I stay with Mobil.

15W40 and 0W40 are both engine manufacturer approved grades for summer temperatures for the engines in our trucks..

I’d run Delvac ESP 5w40 by itself and leave well enough alone.
I take care of a small fleet of MD Freightliner trucks. Every fall I change the oil and fill up with the ESP 0W40. This has worked well for us in the Canadian winters. Trucks always start up even in -25*C without being plugged in overnight. We don't have electrical outlets in the yard where the trucks are parked..

The trucks with large sumps (24 litres) go a full year on this fill. This is about 25K kms of city stop and go driving. Oil analysis has confirmed that the ESP is up to the task.

Now with summer upon us, I was wondering if it makes sense to top up with the less expensive 1300 15W40, to keep the trucks going till the fall oil change. I would have reservations if I was mixing brands but figured it might be ok as long as I stay with Mobil.

15W40 and 0W40 are both engine manufacturer approved grades for summer temperatures for the engines in our trucks..
IMO the short answer is yes you can mix the 2 oils without worry.

Just my $0.02
If you're only getting to topping off a massive sump like that after 6 months, in think topping off with 1300 will be no issue. You aren't replacing half the sump or anything crazy. Save the money.

We top off new trucks with 1300 15w40 and then oil change every 30k miles (about every 2 months) with 10w30. Somehow the bean counters and our mechanics decided this was okay. So far, so good- winter and summer.