Smart home

I have a lot of smart devices at home, and it is very comfortable to use them. My favourite devices are the colour changing light bulb.
Old school here. No smart phone. No smart home. No GPS. I got along fine this far without them.
I can see the "No Smart Home" part, there is nothing really smart in a home or better said "smart" is a matter of opinion but I see Smart Phones and GPS as a tool.
Example, I never have to go to my bank anymore, actually my bank is 1000 miles away. When I have to deposit a check I open the app and take a photo of it, the check is deposited. I can check my security cameras, get alarm system notifications, send photos to family members with ease and ... that is just the start.
With that said your "old school" living is certainly admirable, we think we are so advanced being tied to electronic devices of which instead of working for us, we work for them, they run our lives like a dog on a leash.
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