I pulled an old Simplicity 2 stroke single stage snowblower out of my mom's garage that had been sitting since 2017 or 2018. I'm surprised that not only did it run, but it ran well. I'm on the 3rd tank of fuel now since pulling it out.
Anyway, I was never a fan of these. My dad bought it back in 1999 or 2000 to replace a big 30'' 2 stage that got destroyed by a car. Long story.
This one seemed to work, but I Think I was blinded by the fact that it couldn't really handle FEET of snow and that it had to be pushed along instead of self propelled.
We had a decent snowstorm drop about 2' over the course of a few days. I forgot how well these would clean right down to bare pavement. And it can move itself faster than my 2 stage can go in top gear. Great for small amounts of snow. Even when it came to some heaver stuff or deep snow, it still handled great. And it fits on some walkways that I used to have to do by hand.
Pretty impressed! This year I have been using a plow on my 4 wheeler because it's quicker than using the 2 stage or shoveling by hand, but I don't like that I can't put the snow exactly where I want. But this little single stage thing is actually quicker and can blow it right where it needs to be.
I have to put a new belt on it, will probably rebuild the carburetor, then have to give it back. I'll be buying a used one for myself! Probably 4 stroke because I don't like 2 stroke engines ...