Single Stage Snowblowers ... I've been missing out

Follow on question: Several of the two stroke models are listed in my area:
CCR 3650
CCR 2400 GTS
CCR 2500E

Any thoughts on what is the better model?
I am leaning to the 3650 but only because it is closer to me.
the 3650 (Snow Commander) had the higher horsepower motor...same motor only the engine speed was turned up from 3800 rpm to 4000 rpm (approx). I adjusted engine speed up on my 2450 to match the 3650 output. I think mine is a 2005 model that I bought off craigslist in 2015 for $100. Fires up first pull and is a sweet little machine. Rubber augers and scraper bar last me a few seasons, easy enough to replace. Thing still looks and runs like new. Buy one (or two) while you still can!
How difficult is engine access in these single stage Toro models?

I have the two stage, two stroke blower but it failed during this recent storm and it is just too cold out to troubleshoot it. I am looking at one of the Toro single stage models listed in my area.
They all seem very accessible. The simplicity one I have in my posesson right now looks like it would be easy to get to the engine. They are all built the same way. The 4 strokes have the whole engine exposed more due to needing to do oil changes.
Thanks for all the input. I picked up a 3650 with electric start this evening.
As I was leaving to pick that one up I was able to start my 726TE two cycle. Berrymans Chemtool in the fuel tank saved that one.
So now I have a big machine and and small one; it will never snow again now.
Was given a single stage Toro from someone who hated it, said it started hard and was a back breaker. Changed the primer bulb and spark plug and was startled by how quick it started on first pull. Agreed it was a back breaker so I gave it away.
Yup - you have to get it done early with a single stage.
If you get on it early and stay on top of it you get a quick fast run down to the pavement.

As a kid I had multiple rates -one rate for a one pass early deal (perfect for the gilson single stage) and the rate for anything I couldn't do in one pass.

One glorious Saturday I hit up the neighbors without kids early with the 5 dollar rate and snagged a good half a dozen. One neighbor, Mr Awe got nasty with me for waking him up, and laughed at me when I told him I'd do his driveway, walkway, sidewalk, and porch and salt everything.

Half a day and 2 feet more + drifts later, he flagged me down. I told him 5 bones was no longer the deal, the new price was 10, and he swore up a storm, i held my ground and told him it was more than twice the work at this stage and that I should be charging him more like 15, he swore some more and told me to go away, and spent the next 2 and a half hours doing a crappy job with the shovel cussing and swearing.

Next snowfall Mrs. Awe answered the door and paid me the 5er right away.
Was given a single stage Toro from someone who hated it, said it started hard and was a back breaker. Changed the primer bulb and spark plug and was startled by how quick it started on first pull. Agreed it was a back breaker so I gave it away.

not sure what caused it to be a back breaker? If the rubber augers are worn below spec it won't self propel and I could see that being a back breaker. With good augers all it takes is a slight lift on the handle and it will pull itself away from you, faster than you can walk in a light snow. Minimal effort needed!
not sure what caused it to be a back breaker? If the rubber augers are worn below spec it won't self propel and I could see that being a back breaker. With good augers all it takes is a slight lift on the handle and it will pull itself away from you, faster than you can walk in a light snow. Minimal effort needed!

My Toro 721R almost propels itself a little too quickly. I've had a few run-ins with the bushes next to my sidewalk and sucked in a few strands of Christmas lights. :LOL:
loved mine , small , lightweight , dead reliable. it was so small tho i didnt see it and backed over it in a snow storm.

good times
still looking for another
Everyone keeps saying "down to the pavement" like you can't do that with a 2 stage. I run my skid plate directly on the concrete and it leaves nothing behind. Yes, I replace it every few years but it's about $20.
I pulled an old Simplicity 2 stroke single stage snowblower out of my mom's garage that had been sitting since 2017 or 2018. I'm surprised that not only did it run, but it ran well. I'm on the 3rd tank of fuel now since pulling it out.

Anyway, I was never a fan of these. My dad bought it back in 1999 or 2000 to replace a big 30'' 2 stage that got destroyed by a car. Long story.

This one seemed to work, but I Think I was blinded by the fact that it couldn't really handle FEET of snow and that it had to be pushed along instead of self propelled.

We had a decent snowstorm drop about 2' over the course of a few days. I forgot how well these would clean right down to bare pavement. And it can move itself faster than my 2 stage can go in top gear. Great for small amounts of snow. Even when it came to some heaver stuff or deep snow, it still handled great. And it fits on some walkways that I used to have to do by hand.

Pretty impressed! This year I have been using a plow on my 4 wheeler because it's quicker than using the 2 stage or shoveling by hand, but I don't like that I can't put the snow exactly where I want. But this little single stage thing is actually quicker and can blow it right where it needs to be.

I have to put a new belt on it, will probably rebuild the carburetor, then have to give it back. I'll be buying a used one for myself! Probably 4 stroke because I don't like 2 stroke engines ...
I got one given to me by my neighbor a couple of years ago. Only has two or three runs on it. I'd suggest getting some of the Arnold snow blower and mower deck coating. That stuff is slicker than teflon on a skating rink. I coated my mower deck and before the corners could get some build up. Now nothing sticks.
4 stroker or 2? Have a couple on marketplace that don’t run. I’m gonna try to grab both for cheap. What’s the go to on the single stagers? Favorite ? I’d prefer 2 stroke …. Got plenty 2 stroke oil to burn 😎
I have a Honda 520 single stage 4 stroke thats 12 years old. It gets used on average 2-3 times a winter, and there have been winters not at all. Still runs great, I did upgrade plug to iridium NGK. I have had augers serviced once, and will do so again after this season.
Not all single stage snowthrowers are great. I was given a non-running Toro CCR2000 many years ago. All it needed was the old fuel cleaned out and some new fuel line. It was an excellent machine, but with the volume of snow we get where we live, I mainly use my large 2-stage machines, so I sold the Toro after a few years, not realizing what a gem it really was.

My brother in law had a craftsman MTD single stage that was a real turd in comparison to the CCR2000.

About 10yrs ago, I picked up a nice looking Ariens single stage unit with a Tecumseh 2-stroke for cheap at a garage sale. It didn't work well for me at all and I had replaced the rubber auger assembly, the plastic scraper blade and put new wheels on it. A good $150+ in parts. It was nowhere near as good as the Toro CCR2000. I sold that Ariens on the facehole marketplace for next to nothing.
Not all single stage snowthrowers are great. I was given a non-running Toro CCR2000 many years ago. All it needed was the old fuel cleaned out and some new fuel line. It was an excellent machine, but with the volume of snow we get where we live, I mainly use my large 2-stage machines, so I sold the Toro after a few years, not realizing what a gem it really was.

My brother in law had a craftsman MTD single stage that was a real turd in comparison to the CCR2000.

About 10yrs ago, I picked up a nice looking Ariens single stage unit with a Tecumseh 2-stroke for cheap at a garage sale. It didn't work well for me at all and I had replaced the rubber auger assembly, the plastic scraper blade and put new wheels on it. A good $150+ in parts. It was nowhere near as good as the Toro CCR2000. I sold that Ariens on the facehole marketplace for next to nothing.
just picked up a toro ccr 3000 and a ccr 3650 for $120 as a combo package deal and both run 😎 excited to get them to eat snow. I’ll be giving them most likely away to family members depending on how they perform.

I may look into a Honda 4 stroke for another family member.
just picked up a toro ccr 3000 and a ccr 3650 for $120 as a combo package deal and both run 😎 excited to get them to eat snow. I’ll be giving them most likely away to family members depending on how they perform.

I may look into a Honda 4 stroke for another family member.

I'd have to look way back in some threads, but mine might actually have been a 3000. I don't remember. It's been 20yrs or so. It did have the suzuki engine. Either way 2000 or 3000, you can't go wrong.

The Honda units would be my next choice. I've never used a Honda single stage, but their 2-stage units are incredible in terms of chewing up and throwing snow. They do this like none other IMO. My only dislike of Honda 2-stage units is because of the hydrostatic drive system on them, you can't roll them backwards. You have to put them in reverse and allow the machine to drive itself. Not a huge thing. Just slower to use IMO.

I'd have to look way back in some threads, but mine might actually have been a 3000. I don't remember. It's been 20yrs or so. It did have the suzuki engine. Either way 2000 or 3000, you can't go wrong.

The Honda units would be my next choice. I've never used a Honda single stage, but their 2-stage units are incredible in terms of chewing up and throwing snow. They do this like none other IMO. My only dislike of Honda 2-stage units is because of the hydrostatic drive system on them, you can't roll them backwards. You have to put them in reverse and allow the machine to drive itself. Not a huge thing. Just slower to use IMO.
I have a Honda 13/32 track blower which is my favorite machine to use. Easy to maneuver and blows snow like no other blower Iv used . Always a hit or miss with snow around eastern pa anymore these days.
The smaller blowers are easier to transport around. No ramps needed and maybe Iv been bored lately so y not buy 2 smokers and teach the future grandkids about what fun it was back in the day with smelling that klotz 😎
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If you can find the Toro 2 stroke CCR2000 single stage snowblower it will have a commerical suzuki 2 cycle engine that will literally last another 10 - 20 years.. You can tell as the cylinder head will not have any head bolts, and will have a japanese carburetor. The engine is not rated for high RPM but will gladly take 4000 and less all day for ever and ever.. They will also take 50:1 modern oil ratio and not be too smokey. If you use a richer mix they will smoke.
Actually if you use good 2 stroke oil they will last longer than that! Mines a 1998 CCR 3000 5hp and it runs as new. I added a fuel cut off to make draining the carb easier. Mines an electric start and nothing starts faster in the cold than an electric start 2 stroke. For up to 8/10” of snow it’s all I need. Considered a small 2 stage but honestly it’s more weight space and slower than the light weight 2 stroke single stage (72 lbs)…..
Toro spec’d TCW-3 2 stroke oil because this ashless oil results in less cylinder deposits than 2 stroke oils for air cooled engines….the Toro snow blowers run much slower and cooler that other 2 stroke machines like weed wackers, leaf blowers and hedge trimmers which run as fast as 9,000 rpm. Toro snow blowers are governed to 3600 rpm.
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