Septic system failed the dye test.

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Sorry to hear of your serious problems. If it's not one thing, its another. I've had my share.

Ya, if you want somewhat rural, then city sewers are not feasible. I wonder how much extra people in my nearest city are paying for the sewer/drain separation going on for the next 25 years?

Could you explain your new system? The sand filter seems much different than the individual "tile" lines I am used to.

Do they allow "gray water" to be pumped into your tanks......laundry, sump pit, softener?

Best of luck to you.
Yup, at the end of the day, there's nothing cheap about any residential sewage system. I've got friends and relatives that have spent thousands having to have piping replaced between the house and the street. You can't win either way!

Here's a good write up on sand filter systems:

Luckily I don't need any pumps because of the natural grade/slope towards the road my property has.

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Just a follow up..

After a bunch of waiting games $7500 escrowed to the sellers did the trick. They've got to make the repairs w/in 90days. Found this out Monday evening and we close Friday AM?!?! A little lead time would have been nice. All this and my darling bride gave birth to our 4th, six days ago. He came ~2 weeks early! Just a tad too much going on at the moment. I pray to NEVER have to move again.

Originally Posted By: PandaBear
Congrat on the new boy.

Thank you Sir! He was a surprise as well. He's an easy keeper so far. Nurse..sleep..nurse..sleep..poop.. poop some more....
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