Seeds that are good for you

Mar 12, 2015
In the shop
Good Morning BITOGERS. Lately I’ve been enjoying flax, chia and pumpkin seeds. Like hemp hearts as well. Low in carbs and great protein. Which ones do you folks use and enjoy?
I've always liked to nosh on these


Pecans are low in carbs and pretty good, I get them at walmart in bags of halves but they've gone up a bit. I also buy the mixed nuts which are low carbs.
I've been consuming 2tbsp of chia seeds for a few months. Lots of fiber and they swell to assist in eating less. From my perspective they aren't low in carbs, but I'm limiting to 110-115g carb a day, so one chia serving is 7% of my carb intake. Between that, a prune and fiber pills, 15% of my carbs are taken up right off the bat.

Pecans are good on carbs, walnuts are too. Sadly cashews are not, comparatively, but I still sneak them in from time to time.

All of that effort (plus exercising) has led to me losing 48 lbs since Feb 1

Pecans are low in carbs and pretty good, I get them at walmart in bags of halves but they've gone up a bit. I also buy the mixed nuts which are low carbs.

Look on Amazon for bags. I'll alternate between Amazon and Walmart for things like that depending on who wins price of the day.
I do like 'em, but I worry about small seeds if you have diverticula in the guts, especially those pointy see same seeds.

I tend to stick with walnut and pecan halves. If I have a bag of peanuts or pistachios, I might go through half the bag before i know it watching T.V., lol.
sunflower seeds are better than coffee or energy drinks for keeping me awake on road trips (shelling and spitting)
love peanuts, walnuts, ok ok ok, love all nuts they are just so dang calorie dense. Because of that my favorite seed to consume is that of the corn plant when subjected to high enough heat to vaporize the moisture inside of it causing it to explode - I eat some of that almost every night!