Scotty Kilmer makes $151,00 a month?!?

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Originally Posted by Smokescreen
rev up your engines !

That's "ENJUNS!"

Originally Posted by Eddie
Scotty K. actually makes some really good observations occasionally, if you can overlook the exaggeration. He is easily worth that money compared to most airheads on TV.

Yeah, a recent one about ripoff mechanics/dealers "5 Scams Your Mechanic .." was on point. He tends to generalize too much, though. This car make, that auto parts, all turbocharged cars ...

Views and income are heavily influenced by Youtube themselves. People watch the suggestions that come up. Don't kid yourself, they pick and choose who makes the money.
Originally Posted by Imp4
You all sit here and deride Scotty..
Certainly he is silly and his delivery is off beat...

But the real question is, who's the sucker now?!?




For the record, I've watched maybe 2 of his videos and probably not all the way through but I'm not so self-righteous to bad-mouth him like many do. I've repeated this more than once and few listen, but these YouTuber's ain't doing these videos for "educational" purposes, they're doing it for $$$. Big $$$ if you get lucky ! More power to 'em !!
Originally Posted by ZeeOSix
No wonder he's so hyped up and happy. I would be too if I made $151,000 a month for making YouTube videos.

Do we have the zero's and decimals right ? BC that amount does not line up with what they show his net worth to be ...
Scotty is a tool and he attracts other tools to watch him. There are a lot of them out there. Any time you run into somebody who is dumbstruck with the complications of changing a tire or jumping a battery you have met the Scotty demographic.
Originally Posted by 4WD
Originally Posted by ZeeOSix
No wonder he's so hyped up and happy. I would be too if I made $151,000 a month for making YouTube videos.

Do we have the zero's and decimals right ? BC that amount does not line up with what they show his net worth to be ...

The linked site says $151,360 per month.
Originally Posted by PandaBear
I'd take ChrisFix instead, thanks.

I'm closer to Scotty in age than I am Chris, but enjoy both at times. I can't say either of them have really taught me anything I didn't already find out the hard way, but for the young guys just getting their first rides, both have a lot of good, common-sense advice. Worth exactly what you paid for it.

ChrisFix seems to have fallen off the map lately, though.
Originally Posted by talest
He is better than Project Farm.

Comparing products cleaning abilities in a lawn mower isn't comparable to automotive. After he added the Lucas oil stabilizer in his truck I was turned off.
Originally Posted by Bud
Originally Posted by Imp4
You all sit here and deride Scotty..
Certainly he is silly and his delivery is off beat...

But the real question is, who's the sucker now?!?

I was thinking the same thing. I don't call anyone making that amount monthly dumb or stupid.

I've said it few times already in the past. Scotty is one of the early youtubers that managed to stay relevant during all these years. That fact alone should be enough of a clue that he knows what he's doing with his youtube videos.

His content is intentionally what it is, not just random ramblings as many seem to believe. He doesn't even film on his old location, but instead uses green screen and pictures of his old property as background.
He makes tons of money while the "experts" are busy sharing his videos on all sorts of automotive forums and pointing out his errors. He is no idiot, just acts the part.
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Originally Posted by Bud
Originally Posted by Imp4
You all sit here and deride Scotty..
Certainly he is silly and his delivery is off beat...

But the real question is, who's the sucker now?!?

I was thinking the same thing. I don't call anyone making that amount monthly dumb or stupid.

Got that right^^^^^^^

He's rolling large
Originally Posted by Eddie
Scotty K. actually makes some really good observations occasionally, if you can overlook the exaggeration. He is easily worth that money compared to most airheads on TV. Ed

That's true. He does occasionally hit the nail on the head, but he does generalize too much as well.
I've only watched a minute or two of one of his videos to know that I have no interest in what he has to say. But apparently lots of people do care what he has to say, and he's making a good income because of that fan base.

Good for him.
Originally Posted by 02SE
I've only watched a minute or two of one of his videos to know that I have no interest in what he has to say. But apparently lots of people do care what he has to say, and he's making a good income because of that fan base.

Good for him.

Yep. Some people are jealous of Kilmer.

Lots of wealthy YouTube personalities....
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