Originally Posted By: d00df00d
Originally Posted By: nleksan
I said CONSTANT proof.
I know what you said. EVERYTHING needs to be subject to some kind of demand for evidence, in proportion to the claim. I can't fathom why anything should be exempted.
As always, I'm open to being convinced. So far, what I've understood from you is that if someone puts a lot of effort into something, we should just accept it regardless of its validity. I don't agree, because I think that's counterproductive and patronizing.
You make a good point that criticism can be discouraging. In my experience, that's only true if you value what you believe over your search for truth. I don't, nor do I think anyone should -- although I am morally certain that I don't speak for most people on that point.
Originally Posted By: nleksan
It is things like this that are frustrating. This is what, the third time you have quoted me and twisted my words around enough that I have to post a rebuttal, even though I would be willing to bet that most people would have understood the point I was trying to make?
Welcome to my world.
What have I misunderstood? Spell it out for me.
Originally Posted By: nleksan
it seems like every word is taken at its literal meaning here.
Welcome to the Internet. There's no body language or tone of voice, so if you don't literally mean what you say, you are at an elevated risk of being misunderstood. Believe me, you're not the only one on this forum who has been endlessly frustrated by people reading things into your post that you didn't intend. Cough, cough.
Originally Posted By: nleksan
And for the record, I read this entire thread, and here is what I saw... A guy joins here to post his results with an oil, brings pictures too. Multiple people tell him to do this, which he does, but then those people are not satisfied and have him running all over, buying new tools, and enduring significanf downtime with his car, all because people just cannot be satisfied. After all of that, he is more or less told: "A" for effort, but it doesnt mean anything... Come back after you get an electron scanning microscope and can prove that M1 did worse at the atomic level, bc thats what really matters.
Factually incorrect.
The cams were out of the cars they came from, and sitting around. He took the pics and measured them when he got around to it. Zero downtime involved, and he barely even went out of his way.
The frustration was not with the OP, or with what he presented. The frustration was with people who took this thread as proof positive that Royal Purple had decisively outperformed Mobil 1, and either ignored or ridiculed any statement that disagreed.
Originally Posted By: nleksan
If M1 is so good and you are so confident in it that you are asking other people to spend money and time proving otherwise, why dont you take the valve covers off of your M3 and show us how m1 has done?
Because that's not what I think, and my engine has never seen Mobil 1 except for one quart of emergency top-off.
But if it makes you happy, here's a pic of my valvetrain:
Originally Posted By: nleksan
I really do believe your intentions are good, but you come across as "holier than thou" the way you nitpick things to death.
You know, I get this a lot. But only ever from people who apparently see the demand for evidence as a luxury, a mystical aspect of science, or a weapon to be used against people you don't like...
Originally Posted By: nleksan
I have taken what you have said to heart, honestly, so remember that, well, if you are going to dish it out...
Originally Posted By: nleksan
Also, the only place where constant proof is required for a conversation is, well, everywhere BUT the internet... People come here to get away from that
Everything I have learned in life has taught me to be very, very leery of people who think that the demand for evidence is ever something to be gotten away from.
Then again, maybe that says something about why people use this website. You mentioned being constructive; what exactly are we trying to construct? Ostensibly, people participate on BITOG because they want in some way to figure out fact from fiction. If that's the case, the demand for evidence needs to be strong and pervasive, as does the spirit of debate. But if the real reason they participate is to shoot the breeze and agree with each other, then yes, debate and criticism would be very counterproductive indeed...
Let me just start by saying: I do not disagree with everything you've said, or even most of what you've said, I just disagree with HOW you've said it, if that clarifies...
For the most part, I think you have an extremely valid point in regards to evidence vs anecdotes, because I share the same deep desire for proof; I want numbers and statistics to back-up any HUGE claims, because (going back to Research Theory 101) "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence".
I do not feel that "some things should be held to different standards than others", but rather that different mediums are self-limiting in what they can and cannot provide in terms of "proof".
BTW, before I forget, you "called my bluff" (not the right term, but I can't think of the right one...), and I applaud you for actually posting pictures of your car's valvetrain. Touche! Not many people would have that available or would have done that, so props to you!
Also, I spoke incorrectly: it was not the OP who had to suffer downtime with his car, it was his friend's car that was out of commission already, so I apologize for my mistake there.
I do still stand behind my belief that the standards for "proof" in this area, an oil forum on the internet, are lower than in, say, a research laboratory. The reasons for this are many, but boil down to this: claims made here are almost exclusively NOT falsifiable, so they can thus NEVER be proven nor disproven. All we can go on is our own judgement, which may be enhanced by our perceptions derived from others' perceptions and experiences. Kind of like the whole "feels smoother" or "feels quicker"; subjective data is what should be expected, because very few people on here are engineers (relative to the entire BITOG population). In such cases, it is better to take what you can than to ignore everything, IMO. If we disagree there, so be it, but I for one do my best to try and find value in every experience, anecdote, etc.
My brain is a bit scattered right now, so I realize I didn't address everything you mentioned, but I will delve further if you would like.
Take care,