Rib Roast leftovers, so that means - Pea Soup! (huh?)

Sep 20, 2014
Cooked a rib roast earlier in the week. So that means I have everything I need for pea soup. How does that work you ask?

I discovered after a holiday last year, using a good beef bone instead of a ham bone was a fantastic way to really make the soup flavor more complex, deeper, more satisfying. Some amateur had bought a boneless ham, and I had made a prime rib roast. When I went to make the soup a few days later it was the only bone around and it turned out fantastic - gave both my parents some and they said it was the best pea soup they had ever had.

This time I had the ham bone (I bought both the rib roast and ham for Easter this time!), but adding the rib was still a big bonus.


It makes for some awesome soup:

I wouldn't waste a good prime rib beef roast in pea soup. I would make beef soup with it. For pea soup, I use ham hocks or the remains of a ham. I am sure the beef roast worked good for your pea soup but that's like smothering ketchup all over a prime rib to me.
I think it would be hard to mess up pea soup, and I love it!

That does sound very good and I may try it sometime. Thanks for the suggestion!
I wouldn't waste a good prime rib beef roast in pea soup. I would make beef soup with it. For pea soup, I use ham hocks or the remains of a ham. I am sure the beef roast worked good for your pea soup but that's like smothering ketchup all over a prime rib to me.

It's just the left over bone AFTER roasting, what you would otherwise give to a dog (that's where the other went), or use in a vegetable soup. Not using fresh meat.