Replacing older separate Honda keys and remotes with one flip key combo

Apr 27, 2010
Suburban Washington DC
I get these flip key shells on Ebay for about $10. You take the guts of the factory remotes and put them in the shell as well as a transponder chip which is another buck or two. If you pry out the chip from your original key and use that, you won't even need to program anything. Finally, get the keyblade cut. One less thing to carry in your pocket and no pointy key to jab your leg.

how's the quality of the no-name chinese keys from ebay? Wondering if the metal is just as strong as OEM.
Its strange that anyone would buy no name brand keys from ebay when people literally sell spare oem honda and toyota keys for cheap. I know because I sell a bunch, they are pre cut too, just don't need em.
I did this for the '05 RX that I used to have...if you are stuck with a physical key switchblade FTW. It was definitely a bit more bulky in the pocket but worth it.
Show me ONE place that sells these flip key combos.
Not sure what model vehicle you have but people have been programing new keys to older vehicles, as well as swapping acura smartkeys/fobs to honda's for a while. But like I said, Ebay. You could find anything there.
For example, this key will work with any same year honda as well as long as you do it right. Its both a fob and flip key combo.

People have also successfully programmed the European key's to American hondas without issues. They are much harder to come by though. Using this as just as an example. But at least for me, the 40 AUD and free international shipping = 31$ USD + tax.

Then again, this is all done if you can program your own keys.

Its an cool concept though, since I have a 3D printer I could probably do this at home.