Removing pine sap without damaging paint

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Feb 15, 2014
South Georgia
Anyone have a tried and true method? Already got a blob on the new tacoma. I've used lemon pledge in the past but it smears it around more than I like before finally taking it off. Reasearched on line but found nothing with very goog reviews for my specific problem.
Thanks for the reply PimTac
Any brand recomedation looked into turtle wax one reviews I saw sounded like it worked about lemon pledge and we always have that around.
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Alcohol and better yet an Alcohol based hand cleaner. Get it off ASAP because it will cause the Clear Coat to peel off.
Originally Posted by Nick1994
I know, I know, it's annoying ChrisFix... But actually a decent video.

Annoyed google didn't bring this one up for me thanks.
Originally Posted by Warstud
Alcohol and better yet an Alcohol based hand cleaner. Get it off ASAP because it will cause the Clear Coat to peel off.

Yeah, I was afraid of that.
In WA this is a constant problem.

I like Goo Gone - very fast, handy to have around for similar issues. Rinse and wash area or car afterwards.
Originally Posted by littlehulkster
The best product I've ever used for it was Motsenbocker's adhesive remover.

Never heard of it, I'll have to look.
Pines on either side of the driveway.... Constant problem...
By far the easiest were wipes treated with....good off? I think... But they tended to leave a dull area on the clear...not good..

Then I used a turtle wax brand tar remover, that worked well with a little elbow grease, but it left my hands smelling weird..

The best so far ( no smell, quick and easy dissolving the sap, no noticeable damage) turned out to be the cheapest.
90%isopropyl alcohol ( first aid section of most stores), and a soft cloth. I prefer microfiber.
And yes, the 90% stuff, not the 70%... Why? Because it works better.

Beyond that, don't know, I'm not a scientist...
Originally Posted by faltic
Originally Posted by Warstud
Alcohol and better yet an Alcohol based hand cleaner. Get it off ASAP because it will cause the Clear Coat to peel off.

Yeah, I was afraid of that.

The pine tar will remove clear coat.. the alcohol wont (just for clarity)
I use 70% Isopropanol and two paper towels. First to do the job, 2nd to dry area (otherwise Isopropanol leaves a white haze behing).
I've seen some references to both Goof Off and Goo Gone, and they look very similar sitting on the shelf, so allow me to go on record as to which one you'll want to use on automotive paint and which one to NOT use.

Goof Off - DO NOT USE.

Goo Gone - USE

You can trust me on this, as I have some personal experience on the matter. When I got the Bacon Hauler, it still had a lot of glue/adhesive from the "Police" stickers on its paint, and I set about trying to get rid of it. At first, I used Goof Off and a rag. Then I noticed the clear coat was coming off with the glue. So I switched to Goo Gone and the clear coat remained even though the glue was removed.

Verdict: Goo Gone all the way!
Originally Posted by Marco620
Cut down entire tree. Use stump for a table to play Chess. Problem solved.

Now I bought the truck can't afford to LOL
Hey thanks for all the ideas. So here's what I did. Carfully scraped what I coold off with a credit card lubed with lemon pledge. Looked thru the house for alcohol, didn't have none but I had mouth wash 15% alchol why not. So that got what looked like most of it off. Two small spots appear to be scars in the clear coat. If i hadn't waited almost 24 hours might have saved it or not.
Thanks again to the group.
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