Question about a Bosch Premium

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Jan 2, 2011
In The Region Between
I am getting the Beast serviced in a week. The Bosch Premium on it has gone 6000 miles. I am thinking of using this filter for two oil changes for a total of 10,000 to 12,000 miles. So the oil only will be changed on the 20th of May.

The filter & oil will both be changed at about the end of September.

Do you guys think this filter can do it?

It is a 3422.
Eh, I'd just change the filter. They're cheap. No use reintroducing dirty oil and contaminants into a fresh sump.

Or, just run the oil longer and leave the filter.
I know, but waste not, want not.

I only will run the summer brew for a few months. I have some long life filters, but the Pure One will be used at the end of September.

I have this STP E-Core, but I do not like it. Besides, it is the newest one and there are about 12 other filters of different makes & models in the stash.
Can the filter handle it? Almost certainly.

But if for example you have a 4.5 quart sump, would you dump 4 new quarts of oil in, then finish the top off with a half quart of the filthy black stuff you just drained out? That's about what you're doing when you leave the filter on.

I used to leave filters on and have quit doing so for just this reason.
I thought the Bosch Premium and Pure One were clones. I say leave it on for a second oil change. I don't see how you can have half a quart of oil in the old one anyway. Is it a huge filter? And if that is a concern, just dump out the old oil from the filter and then reattach.
Originally Posted By: KCJeep
Can the filter handle it? Almost certainly.

But if for example you have a 4.5 quart sump, would you dump 4 new quarts of oil in, then finish the top off with a half quart of the filthy black stuff you just drained out? That's about what you're doing when you leave the filter on.

I used to leave filters on and have quit doing so for just this reason.

The golden rule is to always change the oil filter before the recommended interval, BUT if you are changing the oil more often then there is nothing wrong with leaving the filter for a second time. Dirty oil filters are more efficient than cleans ones and the 2 for 1 oil service method has been standard practice for some new cars and many small marine diesels for many years. I do 2 for 1 oil services for my diesel and get better results in the second phase, as is normal. The increased filter efficiency is more important than the oil contamination, BUT you do need to be doing a UOA program to check the actual results.
I am running Bosch Premiums on both my rides and the rather small one on the GP will be run for about 9,000 miles but that is only because that is when it looks like the OLM will hit 0%. Bosch has an extended drain filter (D+) for a reason and I would invest in that if I wanted to run a filter for two oil changes. However, the D+ is about twice the price of the Premium so I don't really see the point of running the D+ for two OCIs unless the filter is a PITA to change.
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IMO unless a filter is supposed to be used for a long interval, it should only be used for the manufacturer's OCI as stated in the manual.

(and see my sig)
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I had tiny Bosch cut open, that came from 06 2.5L Frontier. It looked very good after 12k miles. Search filter section for pics.
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Originally Posted By: Cristobal
Do you guys think this filter can do it?

Absolutely yes.

The fear of filters going into bypass is far overblown. I seriously doubt your media will load up to a point of blinding off in 10-12k miles.

I am presuming that your car is in good mechanical shape, and you have UOAs to back it up. If it's a neglected, wanton beast, then perhaps short O/FCIs are best.
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