Purchasing used car - tires mismatched - options??

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Originally Posted By: 69GTX
Delivered this morning. In checking on Ebay I can get a pair of new Starfires delivered for around $106. Mounting and alignment would run another $100. Probably cheaper to do that as package buying through Town Fair.

nice ride.

I do most of my tire shopping online and lately I've been partial to Milestars which could probably be had for around the same price as the starfires.
Originally Posted By: 59Rod

Selling used tires on CL is a real pain in the butt and the people will make you offers of $10 each.

When I can get 4 new tires with warranty and assurance they've been treated well from DTD for $100 (well, probably 130-ish now), $10 is a very reasonable offer for used ones in the 15 inch range. Most people still have to pay for mounting, which will then be amortized over fewer miles than if they bought new.

I'm actually shocked at how much people, including myself, get for tires on CL. Guess there are a lot of people that don't have $350 retail for a set but do have $150.
Get four new tires and sell the two used ones. Life is too short and best we keep it going for as long as possible!
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