Psychic's? Believe or not?

There was once a time where I wondered if psychics were a real thing, I'll admit, based on a girl I knew in high school and her mother. Her mother always had these vivid predictions of the future and often spoke of spiritual beings surrounding us and guiding us. She would speak persuasive and alluring, despite acting very anxious all the time. Her daughter started doing it too. Then the mother got arrested on possession charges, and it came out that she was addicted to acid and had been giving it to her daughter. The daughter was sent away to live with her father out of state, and the mother did several years in prison for child endangerment and tacked on drug charges. I've occasionally wondered what became of that girl.
I think we can feel energy or bad situations yes. Like getting a bad vibe from someone or having a gut feeling that something bad will happen. I think we as humans can sense things that we cannot always explain logically. And I think it is possible that some people may be better at it than others. But do I believe in psychics and mysticism and such no.
If any of this stuff was real then psychics would all be billionaires by now after predicting the stock market and lottery numbers multiple times.
There is no way you can discount all of those examples that I gave and call them circumstantial. Especially how connected my mom was to when things were going wrong with me. That is no coincidence right there. That feeling she had never failed her, she was never wrong when she felt those bad feelings. If it happened to you in your life you would believe. The reason people don't believe is that they haven't experienced this themselves. It's not as if every person possesses that ability, but they are out there.

At the end of the day though, I'm not going to change your mind and you're not going to change mine so we should just leave it at that.
Your mom probably worried about you way way more than you realized
Mother's intuition is a real thing and isn't perfect. There were probably many other times that said mother had a bad vibe about something that turned out to be nothing.
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Mother's intuition is a real thing and isn't perfect. There were probably many other times that said mother had a bad vibe about something that turned out to be nothing.

Not true. As I mentioned, she never had that bad feeling and had it turn out to be wrong. It only happened to her with me a few times and it was only in situations where I almost died.
I don't believe in psychics, but the older I get I've become less sure of many things. Science is a process. We (humans) don't know as much as we think we do. Just listen to even the top physicists in the world like Roger Penrose try to explain consciousness. Then you get to the origin of the universe for which "nothing" had mass and therefore was "something". Or that our universe was one of many and there was one before it. No one knows. Physics can't even agree. I'm starting to think Eric Weinstein is right. Physics has been stuck for 70 years.

Maybe there will be a shock that people will feel when they realize their worldview was too small to accommodate the reality of metaphysics? Maybe people that are too stuck in the mundane, common sense, naive realism and materialism? Maybe people who think only what they can see and touch is real?

I don't have the answers.

Keep an open mind.
I don't believe in psychics, but the older I get I've become less sure of many things. Science is a process. We (humans) don't know as much as we think we do. Just listen to even the top physicists in the world like Roger Penrose try to explain consciousness. Then you get to the origin of the universe for which "nothing" had mass and therefore was "something". Or that our universe was one of many and there was one before it. No one knows. Physics can't even agree. I'm starting to think Eric Weinstein is right. Physics has been stuck for 70 years.

Maybe there will be a shock that people will feel when they realize their worldview was too small to accommodate the reality of metaphysics? Maybe people that are too stuck in the mundane, common sense, naive realism and materialism? Maybe people who think only what they can see and touch is real?

I don't have the answers.

Keep an open mind.
Yep. But we have to trust the process. It might be three steps forward and two steps back, but it does work. I have faith in the scientific process and I believe humans can unravel much more.
The few people that I have come across in my life that believe these fools, I have always asked them if they get their lottery number picks from them

Most of the time, it has taken them a few seconds to a few minutes to get it, but when they did, their eyes got real big, a smile, then a sad face....
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My father was born and raised in Hawaii. He always told me Hawaii is a spooky place. From the FWIW Dept....

Because my father's family lived in poverty, my grandmother used to go to the local Hawaiian priestess (equivalent of the native American Medicine Man) instead of a medical doctor (no money).

My grandmother had been feeling uneasy for days. She went to the priestess for advice.

My grandmother was told that she hadn't been to the graveyard to visit my grandfather in a while. Then she was told, in the tree outside your kitchen window, there's a yellow bird in the tree. That's your late husband's spirit coming to visit you. Upon returning home, there was a yellow bird sitting in that tree. The priestess had never been to my father's house.