Potential update!
So the part of Canada I am in was hit pretty heavy with snow the past few days, I have no access to an indoor garage so I was kinda stuck not being able to even jack my car up at the moment. so I booked a diag appointment with the dealer. Honestly I know its usually best to steer clear of dealers but I figure if someone could figure it out it would be the actual dealer. They couldn't find anything but assured me all my aftermarket parts were installed correctly and without issue. So while that's no guarantee I guess it helps a bit to narrow it down.
Now essentially the only two parts on the front of the car that I did not touch or have someone replace this past year were the
sway bar bushings and the brakes. The dealer initially thought it could be the brakes when describing my issues but again they found no fault... So for a dealer to not want try to get me to pay them for repairs that might be a good sign idk. Anyway after experiencing the issue again turning left on the way home I parked my car halfway up my driveway curb so I could look under it without a jack, worked surprisingly well and the only thing I could find was this.
View attachment 255388The bracket over the bushing does not seem to cover the entire thing. I asked a local shop to do these for me this past year but claimed they were seized which I don't know if I buy as the subframe is somewhat new and they told me a week prior they accidentally broke another customers subframe bolts off in a similar way. Regardless I was wondering if this could be my issue. Looking online at OEM and after-market parts the bracket
should be covering the entire rubber bushing up to the lipped edges but mine is not. Either from rust or the wrong bushing or the wrong bracket I am not sure but comparing it to the other side of the car the bushing there is aligned and fitting fine. So I was thinking maybe on hard or long left turns when the g force is strong or the body of the car bens in a way where way the bar would be sliding in the bracket since there's extra room there?