Point of a spoiler?

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Yeah.. glad the one I bought had no spoiler.. I dont find it improves the look at all.. i find it looks better without it.. if it made it look better fine.. but it doesnt..
The first generation Mitsubishi 3000GT's had a rear spoiler that would lift up and a front lower spoiler that would lower down when you hit a certain high speed. It was called Active Aero.
1) It would be nifty if "with" and "without" data was gathered.
2) A friend had one installed on a 1999 Honda Accord V6 2 door. It greatly improved the lines of the car.
3) If they are not effective, they're garbage in my book. Kira
Originally Posted By: supton
Is it illegal to go with just fogs? I've been meaning to rewire the fogs that I added the truck, so that it would be fully separate control (I tapped the wrong control wire, and wound up with fogs that will only operate if low beam is on). But if it's illegal then I might not as well bother.

I have to say, I do like fogs in the Jetta, and when I got the truck I found some cheapo fogs to go into the bumper, to replace the ugly blockouts. Much lower than the headlights, so I sorta expect them to do something.

Haven't figured out how to do the Euro rear fog though...

Might vary depending on the state and I could be missing a specific US code but I had a long discussion with it to another Subbie owner.

Basically re-wiring you car so when you turn your factory-installed lights on, only the fog light come on is illegal (at least in NC) IF the fog lights are dependent on the headlamps. My subbie's fog lights are wired as a "slave" to the headlights so I cant only turn them on.

How, if you have a aftermarket foglamps that are completely independent from the vehicle's lights, then it could be legal (although some states might have some odd requirements). However, if your fog-lights are independent, you operate you car in inclement weather and your rear lights are not on, then you might be liable as if you did not have you lights on... might also apply if your state has a "headlights on when using wipers" law as we have in NC.

So if your fog lights are a slave to the headlamps, it is likely illegal (or you can't pass inspection etc). If they are independent, then it might be legal but you could still be found liable for breaking some other headlight use law or liable in an accident.

As for the spoiler, I bet the dealer installed it to get another $400+ out of an unsuspecting/lazy buyer.
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Originally Posted By: SteveSRT8
On certain cars the spoiler is completely functional. My car has one that actually alleviates some drag. It may be the smallest you have never seen.

On the overwhelming majority of cars the spoiler is all show.

^this - sometimes they're actually functional. Usually not, though.
I hate them and would never own a car with one, unless it was a GT3 Cup 911 or something like that.


On a FWD car they are especially stupid. Also on the road they are utterly pointless because they don't work until 80+ which is an illegal speed in most states.
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Originally Posted By: Nederlander75
Originally Posted By: glock19
Originally Posted By: Hokiefyd
Most fog lamps are simply toys anyway.

Why? I think they come in handy on skiing trips. It always seems to be foggy on the mountain.

In the US for the most part we don't have control of the fogs over the main beams I think. So, for me they just add glare in weather versus the old school ones I had on my Duster, F-Bird, Camaro, etc. Those I could use without the main beams taking the glare away in weather.

Buy a German car, fogs are fully functional and work very well, you also get parking lights which are nice.

Fog lights are great on foggy nights when headlights reflect back to much, I live close to the water and used to use mine all the time.
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my Neon has a factory spoiler... i've gotten used to the look, seen a few same trim spec and color without... looks weird... anyway, the only thing "functional" about it seems to be positioned just right to line up with/block out the headlamps of the car behind me in the rearview.

My brother removed the Factory spoiler from his '06 mustang GT, as even though it is a 300HP RWD, the factory GT spoiler is essentially non-functional.
if he hadn't Replaced that car with a Challenger, he planned on getting the factory V6 spoiler for that generation mustang.
apparently(according to my brother @ least) Shelby wind Tunnel tested the various Spoilers available, and the V6 Mustang Spoiler Produced the Most down force.
Fair enough. It just seemed a bit too kludged for me, that's all.

And that's my opinion, and I'm sticking with it.

Meant to find the pic of a spoiler I wouldn't mind. Someplace I saved the picture. Someone took a park bench and bolted it on as a spoiler.
Originally Posted By: hattaresguy
On a FWD car they are especially stupid.

I remember when the Audi TT first came out, they were recalled to have a small rear spoiler installed because people were getting killed.
The fix was applicable to both FWD and AWD variants.

With cars getting lighter and aerodynamics playing a greater roll than ever i think its possible more cars may actually need one to maintain stability.
I think a good clue would be if it shows up on the base model without being an extra.
Even in the US where the speed limits are low there will always be someone who breaks the law and try to drive it fast.

Originally Posted By: supton
on a Corolla LE model with plastic wheel covers??? and an auto to boot.

For fun.

Nothing wrong with trying to make a bland car a little more fun.

It's the automotive equivalent of sprinkling some cinnamon on bland oatmeal to make it a little more palatable.

edit: are you talking about a factory installed part, or a ricer add on? If the latter, yeah, that's eaten up with stupid.
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Originally Posted By: thr_wedge
What's the point of anything, we should all just take the bus.

if the bus came anywhere near my house, i might.
as it is, The store i work at IS the nearest bus stop to my house.
Originally Posted By: whip
My Sentra had one, and I can honestly say I never gave it a thought.

Our old 92 Sentra had one too, I think it must've been the only option on that car, and mud flaps. The original buyer must've liked how it looked I guess. I was tempted to take if off when I was going to autocross the car, but it was taken off the road before then.
My Accord does not have one. I saw one with a spoiler and it makes the car look better to me. I am close to buying one, but they are $400, which has me on the fence.

I think a lot of cars look better with them. They serve no function in 99% of cases.

Corolla? I'd have to see it.
Originally Posted By: hattaresguy
On a FWD car they are especially stupid.

So FWD cars don't need grip at the rear tires?

Not only that, but increasing grip by adding downforce isn't the only use for spoilers on cars. Often they're tuned to decrease drag. So saying that aero devices on the rear half of a FWD car are stupid is showing some ignorance regarding how aerodymanics affects vehicle operation.

There are a lot of additions that vehicles come with these days that are of no use outside of a high performance environment, but that doesn't mean we don't want them anyway.

If you don't like them, that's fine. But they have their uses, even on FWD cars.
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