My nanny (when I was a kid, not my kid's nanny) was from Teochow (or Chiuchou, Chaochow, whatever translation they use). They have a tough hard working but also "rough" reputation. You don't want to mess with them, they don't sugar coat their thought, but they are loyals and they are survivors. Many escape from China and migrate to Vietnam due to WW2, and many left Vietnam to US with other Vietnamese due to the Vietnam War.yep my girlfreind was one of those teochow folks . that place noodle are teochow style . different from HK style. teochow was one of the poorest places in China so a lot of them went to other countries to make a new life. They are some of the smartest and hardest working folks i have seen.
TK's noodle, I wouldn't say they taste like Teochow food, nor HK, nor Vietnamese, they are ok IMO but not great. I think that's their problem as they aren't unique enough or specialized enough to keep their customers. They aren't bad but they aren't addictive.