People taking blood pressure meds

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Mar 21, 2004
Near the beach in Delaware
Specifically diuretic meds. Do you take it before bed and then you get up a few times at night to pee or in the morning and then need to pee several times in the morning. I work remote so it's not like I worry about leaving my desk to pee.

I am trying it in the morning so I get a better sleep. My FitBit is telling me I am not getting a great sleep.
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I believe breakfast is the better time but to be clear this is a diuretic medication on its own. If you are taking a combination blood pressure/diuretic medication then it’s best to talk to your doctor.
I take a combination BP/diuretic in the morning with another diuretic in the morning.
I also have to take another BP med in the evening, that while it is not a diuretic per se, has that effect.
So I'm up and down anyway. Between that and the cat, a good night's sleep is a foreign concept.
Glad I'm retired.
I stopped taking diuretics cause they caused me bouts of gout everytime I'd take a pill for a couple weeks but I do take losartan and a calcium channel blocker since they don't cause erectile dysfunction 🙂
All these drugs that doctors and pharma are shoving down out throats are just treating the symptoms and not the root causes of nearly all diseases. Ageing. If they would spend a fraction of their research funds on slowing ageing and find drugs that help that, the incidence of cancer, Alzheimers, heart disease, arthritis, etc. would drop significantly.
All these drugs that doctors and pharma are shoving down out throats are just treating the symptoms and not the root causes of nearly all diseases. Ageing. If they would spend a fraction of their research funds on slowing ageing and find drugs that help that, the incidence of cancer, Alzheimers, heart disease, arthritis, etc. would drop significantly.
While i agree they develop meds for everything. The public at large drives the market. Genetics are out of peoples control.

But eating through your car window, not exercising, and moving nothing but your thumbs leads to a lot of this. There are some who manage their diabetes well, and some that would not be diabetic if they lost weight.

Just look in the cart of the obese in the stores, soft drinks ( diet or not) carbs , pre-prepared food. This is driving the need for pharmaceuticals.

BTW, if you slow down aging, you only delay the onset of age related diseases, you don't eliminate them.
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