own this car forever

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Mar 21, 2004
Near the beach in Delaware
A Subaru dealer in Albany NY adds a dealer guarantee of the drivetrain forever. I do not know the T&Cs, maybe you have to have the repair done at this particular dealership.

So buy a new Subaru, get it done yearly by Carwell and drive forever?
Originally Posted By: Donald
Originally Posted By: Bandito440
... or for a decade. New York rust will get you in the end.

Thats why I said Carwell.

Yep, I've seen many cars that looked GORGEOUS thanks to preventative maintenance and Carwell.

I'm going to get my Accord and Impala done this Saturday.
Originally Posted By: Donald
A Subaru dealer in Albany NY adds a dealer guarantee of the drivetrain forever. I do not know the T&Cs, maybe you have to have the repair done at this particular dealership.

So buy a new Subaru, get it done yearly by Carwell and drive forever?

I wish. Although, based on my DIY'ing Fluid Film on our two cars, it's theoretically possible. I'm figuring that pretty much any somewhat durable rustproofing applied yearly is better than nothing. Then with a little TLC to the powertrain and interior, the car should last at least 10 years without major rust-related issues.
If you read the fine print, it probably says you have to get all maintenance done at that dealer, and they'll try to upsell you every time. Plus, they know that people generally don't keep their cars longer than several years, free repairs or not. Their circumstances change and/or they get bored with the car. The warranty probably isn't transferable, either. It's jiust like the lifetime warranty Chrysler used to have.
Originally Posted By: exranger06
If you read the fine print, it probably says you have to get all maintenance done at that dealer, and they'll try to upsell you every time. Plus, they know that people generally don't keep their cars longer than several years, free repairs or not. Their circumstances change and/or they get bored with the car. The warranty probably isn't transferable, either. It's jiust like the lifetime warranty Chrysler used to have.

Which dealer? Is it Goldstein Subaru in Albany? Funny you brought up Albany, was just there this past wkend! I think the others are right about the fine print..you looking to buy a Subaru?
There's a man in California that bought a brand new 56 Chevy station wagon and soon after replaced the muffler at Midas and received a lifetime guarantee. He still owns that Chevy and Midas has been excellent at honoring that warranty. They've replace the muffler without the hint of an argument for all these years.
Or, the dealership all-ready has the date in mind that they will no longer be in business.

You can't get a warranty honored if that business is no longer three.

I had my 1976 Volare rust proofed via a rust proof sold at the dealership, and the car was done before I drove it away the first time. A few years later, it still rusted out like all the other Volares. I went back to the dealership and asked them to fix the rusted out sections. The dealership told me that “the rustproofing was done by a completely separate company that was not part of the dealership”. And that company has gone out of business. I said that they had sold me the rustproofing, and asked what they were going to do to honor it. The sales man said that they could give me a good deal on a new car.

And then when I was in there shop the same young man wearing the same kind of full body work clothes was using the same type of rustproofing wand connected to the same kind of hose, working in the same bay with high walls, rustproofing someones new vehicle.

So the dealership does not really have to go out of business to legally go out of business. All they have to do is close the business, and then open the business under a new name. Same employes, same location, same sales room, same bosses, same lot of vehicles, just a completely new business doing the same thing the old business did, but without the liability of having to honor any warranties for anything that the previous company wrote a contract for.

Don't you just love the way loopholes let business that know how to use them, put it to the little guy?

The whole thing left me sooooo mad about the way that Plymouth dealership treated me that I said to myself "I will NEVER buy another Chrysler/Plymouth product as long as I live", and I never have.
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The one that came with my mother's Nissan was backed by a 3rd party. The terms of the agreement stated that you are only obligated to perform and keep records of maintenance being performed at the OEM specified intervals.

I cannot remember the company, but I can look it up on my next visit home.
Originally Posted By: OneEyeJack
There's a man in California that bought a brand new 56 Chevy station wagon and soon after replaced the muffler at Midas and received a lifetime guarantee. He still owns that Chevy and Midas has been excellent at honoring that warranty. They've replace the muffler without the hint of an argument for all these years.

Probably did give him a new muffler for free every time, but charged him for labor, big time.
Just like those products sold on late-night television, with a "lifetime guarantee". Most of those companies probably went "out of business" right after selling their quota of cheap-[censored] Chinese junk.
The average person sells their cars before a transmission or engine failure. It's more a gimmick to convince people to by it there. Carsense does the same thing for engines. I don't know a single person who bought a car and held on to it until the engine died.

Can most people go about life if their vehicle died and need a week plus in the shop?
Originally Posted By: supton
Can most people go about life if their vehicle died and need a week plus in the shop?

Nope. That's why I have a second, older, paid off vehicle.
Originally Posted By: The Critic
The one that came with my mother's Nissan was backed by a 3rd party. The terms of the agreement stated that you are only obligated to perform and keep records of maintenance being performed at the OEM specified intervals.

I cannot remember the company, but I can look it up on my next visit home.

They will be out of business at some point. 3rd party ones have this planned into their models. My neighbor owns a series of dealerships and got into this business too and stated how they build a certain thresehold into it before they go gracefully out of business. He still lives in a fat house.
Originally Posted By: supton
Can most people go about life if their vehicle died and need a week plus in the shop?

Yes enterprise car rental. If a shop has an affliation some rentals are very cheap. My aunt who cannot pay more than $3000 for a car nor get rid of them(aka hoarder) rents when her car breaks down.

How often does a car break down for a week? Rare so the cost of rental is minimal over lifespan of car. Especially compared to third vehicle that is not used much.
Originally Posted By: Miller88
Originally Posted By: supton
Can most people go about life if their vehicle died and need a week plus in the shop?

Nope. That's why I have a second, older, paid off vehicle.

Yep, I am hoping for that too (assuming it will last a few years). Can most keep a second, or really, third, vehicle for this purpose? I agree, it's the way to go, to have N+1 vehicles; but I'm not sure most realize that.
Originally Posted By: rjundi
Originally Posted By: supton
Can most people go about life if their vehicle died and need a week plus in the shop?

Yes enterprise car rental. If a shop has an affliation some rentals are very cheap. My aunt who cannot pay more than $3000 for a car nor get rid of them(aka hoarder) rents when her car breaks down.

I wish I had that option. Local shop doesn't do loaners, and the closest rental is 25 miles or so away. I'm going to try the N+1 vehicle approach for a bit, see if owing for 15 years (instead of 10yr/200+kmiles) works out.

I was taking my VW to a shop that was close to an Enterprise, but 3+ day rentals plus 2+ hour drive to get to said shop got old.
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