say you LOVE LM products and move on. being so blind on brand loyalty is not a great thing, especially around here when there are definitely better products out there proven by data.
did you ever saw my signature back when i posted all the oils i used at the past? do you see my signature now? there wasnt-isnt a single LM product.i have never used one,it didnt happened and not bcs. edyvw say its not a good oil.i am not a fan of any oil brand but i am not a hater also.and if you ever tried to read any of my posts just recently i said that in a few months i will try HPL.try to understand that i am not defending LM ,LM doesnt need any support from any of us,its doing more than fine with their profits.
the reason why i insist is why a respectable member of bitog gives me no scientific reason, a reasonable argument for the menace against a very reputable company all over the world.
isnt it why we are here? to speak about oils,consistenscy, tests,etc.? when i entered here i learned some things, some rules, as thin as possible,approvals,analogy between KV and pour point,hths is all that matters and so on.LM is one of the companies that stepped up and tries to follow these rules.
if the member who speaks about all these every now and then in this forum cant accept these rules for sentimental,personal reasons for the whole LM company,not just one of their oils,then how true is all the knowledge we are all sharing? is this that you are defending?
i proofed to you ,i am not a fan dont like fanboys,do you like haters? we have a hater here.
What case? Do you actually know what that means?
here we go again,the language argument ,every time you get in the corner and you know what that means.
you are one of the experts here in bitog and i respect your knowledge.
but so far for the LM menace you have against ,the only arguments you said :
I trust Mobil1 to use better stocks, polymers, etc., than LM.
but then you say :
LM uses a lot of products made by Mobil1 to create its own products.
so if LM uses mobil's stocks and as you said previously mobil use the best ones then LM use the best stocks out there. and if the approvals are more than good then LM is as good as mobil,according to your why its still worst as a product? please try to enlighten us
but then you said:
But here, we like to talk those differences.
i am still expecting to tell me these differences ,not emotional ones ,scientific based on paper not educated guess.
by the way what is educated guess means in that case? from my education here on bitog ,its analogy between KV and pour point-hths,noack.isnt it the way that you guessed that M1 esp 5-30 is not that good on paper than the old visom one? isnt that education guess that tells you that xcess gen 2 is an excellent oil? then why the same educated guess doesn't stand for that oil from LM? but i forget its LM ,that and only that makes it hatable. bcs educated guess has nothing to do with that.the whole thing its personal for you and LM.and has to do with other reasons not education ,not scientific, at least thats what my guess is,since i get no reason based on science.i dont like to get fooled or mislead by anyone thats the case here.
when someone ,and that someone is an experienced member says :
Give me same performance on paper between M1 and LM, I will always go Mobil1, regardless the price.
then how can any member take you seriously again? if an expert wants to be called an expert and wants to be reputable cant say these words, he shouldn't be prejudiced
Generally in this argument errrr discussion folks are comparing LM to other commonly available OTS oils so they will have the same approvals is all I was getting at. Yes, I believe the HPL products are better than LM but I still use LM in several of our vehicles. The main issue with LM is cost (to me) - if you could buy LM at Walmart for ~$25/5 qts this woudln't be an issue but it's significantly more bought at normal retail pricing and with the same approvals as comparible products at the Wallyworld, hard to justify it. The issue with LM is mainly a marketing one that folks take up with it - go on the Euro/VW forums and people will swear it's a superior product to M1 etc. based on the way it's heavily marketed in those communities.then i am sorry but i cant respect that from an expert like you,then
not just vw ,bmw forums too ,from US and Europe