Oil Filter Finish vs. Chemicals - some brands more resistant than others?

Aug 30, 2004
After an oil change, I spray off the drain plug and the oil filter with a copious quantity of brake cleaner. I mainly do this to remove any oil residue from the sealing surfaces - makes it easier to spot any small seeps.

Yesterday I installed a Wix 57002 (white can with black printing). After completing my usual spray-down with brake cleaner (and wiping up a spot), I noticed that the black printing on the filter is easily removed by the brake cleaner. The OE filters that I normally use will lose a little bit of gloss, but the printing is not disturbed.

I was a little surprised by this as I expected Wix to use a finish that was more chemical resistant.....it would be difficult to identify this filter in the event of a warranty claim?

What has your experience been with oil filter finishes? Have most of them been resistant to brake cleaner?
While I never spray that area but I do wipe it down before taking an oil sample. I don't know how it would work but can you try electrical spray cleaner instead to see if the same results?
I don't spray brake cleaner on oil filters, block contact area or drain plug area. As mentioned, simple wipe down with shop towel of areas I've ever done, never an issue. So, no similar concern.

I suppose if it's that great a concern, either don't use brake cleaner with the aforementioned filters, or use another brand.