Oh...the warped comedy of my life ...

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Sep 28, 2002
The local progressive rock station (I imagine the leader since Stern went to satellite), WMMR has a contest going for 3 people to go to Cowboys vs. Eagles (assumed 9/15 date) in Dallas. The contestants will be required to eat a pair of "Rocky Mountain Oysters" of the bull persuasion. My wife called in for the heck of it ..figuring she could give the prize to my son (air fare, hotel, tickets, the works) who is a malignant Eagles fan.

She got the 1st alternate position. If any of the three selected don't show up ..or if any one of them fail to eat the things, she gets to take their place.

If you're up at 7:00 a.m. http://gmppodcast.com/stream/wmmr/ there's supposed to be a live video link there somewhere.


At times, I really feel like Al Pacino playing Michael in the last Godfather ..where he's standing there and says (paraphrased) "Every time I try and get out ...they suck me back in!!".

My wife hasn't given the cuisine a second thought.
Originally Posted By: Pablo
I am still trying to get why she hasn't just told you (yet) that you will be the one consuming the testicles.

I may get up early enough to go with her. She's leaving from her job much nearer to Phila. She's working midnight tonight. I have to get up at 5:15 to meet her at 6:00 to be there before 7:00. I might do it for the experience. She's going to milk them for all the free stuff that she can while she's there.

My wife knows how to have fun and she should integrate seamlessly with the antics of the morning jocks at 'MMR.

She can't actually go to the game. She's taking two clients to Florida for a 5 day vac. Since she'll be in Florida ..I can't go unless I get a house sitter ..and the list is shrinking of available people. 4 cats. 2 dogs.
Fried rocky mountain oysters taste great!

Are these rocky mountain oysters going to be served "on the half shell" (shooters)? Now that would be gross.
She's well traveled and has a tolerant pallet. She's got the typical man thing of hot spicy stuff (I'm a wimp in comparison you can keep your "caustic in a bottle") and likes stuff like Beluga caviar and isn't shy about telling the cruise ship staff when it's sub par. Pigeon in Egypt ..snails and brains ...blah..blah..blah. She'd give that guy that goes around the world finding odd stuff to eat a run for his money.
I can't say.
..but I will say that I allowed her to remove her slave bangles and omit "Property of G.A." from all documents that she signed a few years ago.

Oh ..I'm far too wimpy to eat anything "conceptually" out of my list of good (lousy, I suppose) food. Brussels sprouts kinda give me the creeps and can cause a reverse parastolic reaction. Tomatoes took until I was in my 20's ..outside of a Whopper maybe.

Then again, there are a multitude of tasks that I've done that were not pleasant for some alleged "greater good" ..that I always found nebulous in terms personal benefits afterwards ..so
Well, she'll officially be on the radio. She was first alternate and someone backed out. She's one of the three. I don't know what they have in store here ..but she's a howl in any fun situation.

These radio types work some long days. The female on the show, Morissa, is there for the entire morning show (which anyone in radio knows is a meat grinder between news/weather/traffic/commercials/and content) she was still "producing" at 7pm at night. It's gotta be a lifestyle or rather ..something you love to do and get paid for it too. ..or so I reason.

I had wanted to go into radio ..but couldn't handle the idea of being in Altoona, PA doing the 3-5am slot on an AM C&W station for minimum wage. (nothing against C&W) ...so I chased a buck instead
Radio sux, and it's not just the food that's terrible.

Toured a small town station and a robot was on the air. (They were only live during AM and PM drive time), while four salesemen were manning the phones trying to sell ad time. It was about as boring and uncreative as the Saturday detention in "Breakfast Club".

The SWAG (Shirts, Wearables, And Gifts) is okay though. I assume they're an on-air affiliate of the team you could potentially be enjoying?

Remember radio is an audible medium so the more slurping and gagging noises that can be made, the bigger a star one can become.
Yes, automated music has replaced most of the personalities. I even saw an "old school" non-jock who was a live person ..but the music cued her to speak. The format was already programmed (actually reel to reel back then). Now they just switch feeds to the traffic and news affiliates and don't need anyone at all.

..but the internet has also expanded the listening base and allowed extended content to be tied into the medium ..

The station, while not broadcasting the football games (last I checked) does stuff with the cheer leaders and whatnot. I'm sure there's a cooperative going on there for mutual promotions.

I figure that the real revenue, for the jocks, is the other events that they attend. The remote hosting ..etc.
Disclaimer: I work in TV and have for ~10 years.

We used to have a weatherman, he's in jail now, he held up a convenience store and got busted asking for directions back to the interstate

He was also voice talent for an easy listening station, and would go in and lay voice tracks for the automation. The computer wouldn't give him an exact time so he'd just say, "it's coming up on on the 9:00 hour". He was "there" a ridiculous amount of time and the old ladies loved him.

Success in broadcasting is measured by the size of your U-Haul (or jail cell?). Was fun listening to Opie and Anthony on WAAF before they went nationwide.
I watched a documentary on a guy who did voice tracks for an automated C&W station. This was back in the (sorta) 8-track-like cartridge content format. It showed him standing there reciting (if you ever see recording vocalists ..they manage, if talented enough ..to put visual expressions into the stuff coming out of their mouths):

"It's 5:01 in Kitty Country"
"It's 5:02 in Kitty Country"
all full of body animations and facial expressions.
Originally Posted By: Gary Allan
She's well traveled and has a tolerant pallet.
A pallet's worth of Rocky Mountain oysters should indeed be palatable to her if she intends to win!
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