Odd Ball!??

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Feb 15, 2016
The picture was taken today in the neighborhood while about 40f outside;
So what's up with this picture? what they were thinking!?

It is a Tesla 3 series model


They are trying to dry that rug after washing it. Using the sun along with the tesla heating. Everyone with a tesla does this.
SPF-100 for a sun sensitive Tesla?.. just don't try and shoot the window, I hear they break....€
Maybe they thought the car was lonely in the garage, and needed some... comfort?
Originally Posted by blupupher
Also, whats up with the 1900 address. Never seen a "00" number on a residential address. Those are usually for businesses.

I thought it was number of feet from start of the road, if not feet then 10's or 100's of feet. With even on one side and odd the other. Thus a double zero could be possible.
Originally Posted by supton
blupupher said:
Also, whats up with the 1900 address. Never seen a "00" number on a residential address. Those are usually for businesses.

Depends on the city and numbering system. I have several "xx00" addresses in my subdivision and there are no businesses once you're off the main road.
Originally Posted by opus1
Originally Posted by supton
blupupher said:
Also, whats up with the 1900 address. Never seen a "00" number on a residential address. Those are usually for businesses.

Depends on the city and numbering system. I have several "xx00" addresses in my subdivision and there are no businesses once you're off the main road.

it is a residential area; we live at the 1429 lot for example
Originally Posted by dareo
They are trying to dry that rug after washing it. Using the sun along with the tesla heating. Everyone with a tesla does this.

that quilt was dry like a bone
Originally Posted by blupupher
So using a $40,000 vehicle to dry a $100 blanket?

Also, whats up with the 1900 address. Never seen a "00" number on a residential address. Those are usually for businesses.

Ever remember "1313 Mockingbird Lane"?
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