Originally posted by Tommy:
Thanks for asking me the question (again presumably) and then locking me out from posting. O.K., maybe it was not you personally, but one of the moderators?
I did not see your question before, as it obviously in one of the many posts that were deleted.
I really am not making a big deal over the o-ring test, but over this board's policy of censoring posts. Someone started a topic called "Questions for Bob that were never answered" regarding this o-ring test and I had these questions on my mind and thought I'd ask - they were relevant questions to the topic. I had no idea that I was entering a forbidden zone in questioning Bob's test.
My point? David, this is a place for discussion - what do you think my point was?
Bob concluded in his o-ring test:
"So at this point, my personal conclusion for this test is that motor oils, full or standard dino oil does not condition seals. This would also stand behind the reasons as to why the Schaeffers 131 Neutra helps stop valve stem leaks (puffing smoke in the morning) whereas motor oils alone don't."
I am just saying that perhaps this has not proven with this test.....again, this is a discussion board. If someone makes a claim that motor oils do not condition seals and that only Schaeffer's Neutra does, than expect to get some opposition to it. I think that any scientist that has ever published test results on anything has to accept the fact that his (or her) methods will come under some scrutiny at some point.
Thanks for your comments Johnny.
Tommy, and who ever else has issues here.
I have just recently been accused (more than once) about censorship over stupid things. Come on folks, I have no problem with you asking or tearing me apart for these simple little tests I do. It would seem ridiculous that just because someone has valid points,questions or issues over this, I am not going to remove it. The only time we make any point of removing or striping any posts from a board is when we have personal flames, attacks on credibility that are uncalled for, or accusations of something that 1 has no relevance, 2 has no truth and i'm sure there may even be something else I'm missing but I can assure you , If I feel I need to respond I will.
As for this test and the seal compatibility and statements I made, I will re answer this again.
I make these little tests to do several things..
1-keep things interesting and see what happens IF..
2- maybe expose something that isn't?
3- get people to thinking (out of the box) instead of just taking anyones word for any of it.
Anyway, I have come to expect many that will not accept my personal opinions/findings.. No problem, I have never had any intention to sell everyone on here on schaeffers as I expect not everyone on here is going to be amsoil/penn/redline/or whatever else.
I try to get in as many oils and such in different tests so to have a more diverse amount of products and generalization of each tests and such.
The end result of these is to walk away with just a little more information that may or may not improve on your knowledge base on lubrication in general.
Should you take this to heart one way or another and get upset? of course not.
I try to make sure I post all information that I know so it gives you more info about the tests so that you can draw a better conclusion as to what you may think is valid or not. Case in point...
The oil's and additive's were not heated.. That was a given since I stated it was left sitting in these products at room temps.
I posted a picture of the measuring device.. Was it good enough? It showed me what I was looking for, did it for you? No? then why chew on me about it, get your equipment out and go for it.. we all would love to see it taken a bit further. No problem.
What type of o rings are they? I have no idea.. I'm not a rubber specialist.. figured that going to an automotive store, getting o rings that are use in the automotive industry was adequate. What type of valve stem seals are they? Again, No idea, there's a picture of both for you experts that know what they are comprised of so tell us then all of us will know as i really don't care because am I going to know which vehicle has which kind of seal? Nope, I know I wont. Like auto rx, The product seems to work on most anything I have ever used it on, tranny seals, rear main seals, valve stem seals, p/s seals.. so what type of seals are all of those? Of course it has not worked on a many applications as well, why? seals too far gone? this happens. But why no heat in the test? well, I have no way of maintaining a constant continued heat supply and even if i did, I'm sure someone out there would criticize that it was too hot or not hot enough so why bother. The point I wanted to see is, Like a lot of chemicals/oils, many will also take effect just stagnate. Look at the breakdown on the deposits that fell off the seals just sitting there. If one shows better deposit removal just sitting stagnate, imagine when heat and agitation is applied.
So point is, Look at it, debate and discuss it, pick it apart. Thats what it is there fore, but don't come at me accusing me of things i have no reason to do nor want to because I simple don't want it to happen that way. This board is open to all basic topics, good or bad, and many of you know I have endured a lot of negativity about the Schaeffers oils compared to others, I even post stuff I believe to be right when in fact I'm corrected by some of the chemical and lubrication engineers.. This is how I have learned and this is why the board has been the way it is.. CENSORSHIP? sorry, I sure had no reason to delete the original thread.
Let me also post one other thing maybe those of you so quick to point fingers at me might want to consider.
This is the first time I have had the pleasure of having such a good board. The program was a purchased can program, therefore, I am learning all the Little quirks involved in maintaining it. Being a database type of program, it has indexes and such that periodically require re-indexing and such and quite frankly I'm wondering if we are having another problem here with some of these posts falling off for some reason. We have some excellent moderators that both are very level headed and has executed good judgment on the very few personal issues that don't go with the way we are trying to keep this board. I myself do not like nor appreciate being flat out accused of doing something I had nothing to do with and if any of the moderators do make any changes, they advise me so that I am aware of any problems normally occurred. But thanks to most all of you with the exception of just a very small few, this has been an excellent, well received board and for that I thank you.
Hopefully this answers all of your questions on the seals, tools, heat, and testing procedures, and hopefully we finally put this accusations of censorship to rest.
May I please ask that If you have any problems with how this board is run, you have 2 steps to take..
1-(best option)- contact me personally via email or ph, lets discuss it, resolve it without slamming the board or personal attacks(especially without proof) on any one person. Now if that doesn't work... then option 2.
2- quietly leave and our thanks to your doing it in such an adult manner than to trash up this board with your personal problems.
regards to all of you,