No discussion of economics on BITOG?

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Apr 26, 2009
Recently it appears that any threads that discuss economics have been quickly deleted, especially if the viewpoints disagree with the elite view of the global econonic order.

Anyone else notice this?
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Well, I suspect that some (most) of the reason behind the deletes is that the person(s) in question have'nt a clue. Econ .001 has escaped them.
Every time the economy gets brought up, there's been a lot of talk about the Illuminati and things of that nature, which are quasi-political and also completely tinfoil-hat ridiculous. All the Illuminati folks need to go back to the bunker..
I posted about increased tariffs in another thread. Interestingly I know that this issue crosses any political divisions and actually has support across the board. Maybe that is why it was deleted. It transends political divides.
Originally Posted By: daves87rs
It's called a firefight....

Not sure exactly what you mean . Can you clarify?

BTW I didn't notice anything solely political posted in that thread about the recovery based on low paying wages thread either, nary a thing.
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The topic tends to become political in a rich vs. poor and big government vs. small government sense.

I just wish I had been born rich instead of so darned good looking.

Either way you're subjected to enormous envy. The problem is that looks fade and money doesn't. Ask Hugh Hefner.
Originally Posted By: GROUCHO MARX
The topic tends to become political in a rich vs. poor and big government vs. small government sense.

I just wish I had been born rich instead of so darned good looking.

Either way you're subjected to enormous envy. The problem is that looks fade and money doesn't. Ask Hugh Hefner.


Pretty much this.
Politics are not allowed on this website and when political comments are made I will remove the thread. If you can discuss the economy without referring to various politicians view point then it will not be deleted.
Originally Posted By: greenaccord02
Every time the economy gets brought up, there's been a lot of talk about the Illuminati and things of that nature, which are quasi-political and also completely tinfoil-hat ridiculous. All the Illuminati folks need to go back to the bunker..

Question: do you refute the existence of the Illuminati? There's been plenty of books written about the organization, and other secret societies, from people who were members.

Do you refute the existence of the Bilderberg group? They meet every year. Plenty of people cover the meetings and video tape the attendees, but you won't see it in TMSM.
I do not refute the existence of these groups. They exist. I just think that their secretive nature lends them to being the object of many, many conspiracy theorists.

If there really was a move to establish some grand new world order, no one would ever have heard about it.
Ok, here is my BITOG post about economics.

If a vehicle gets 14.5 MPG and gas cost $3.40 a gallon, and one bottle of Redline SL-1 fuel treatment treats 100 gallons and the vehicle gets 15.5 MPH with it in the tank, Then if one bottle of Redline SL-1 fuel treatment cost $8.55 with tax at PepBoys, when that bottle is use up, the savings will be $14.90

Hows that for an economic post on an oil site?
Economics always turns political because there's always two sides to every economic topic.

“GIVE me a one-handed economist,” demanded a frustrated American president. “All my economists say, ‘on the one hand...on the other'”.
Originally Posted By: sangyup81
Economics always turns political because there's always two sides to every economic topic.

No, the reason economics always turns political is because we human tends to whine, blame others for our misfortunes, and tends to think we are above average, contributed more than the average, get the short end of the stick on average.

We human think we are individually not getting what we deserved and someone else is out there ripping us off, and end up being political.
Originally Posted By: sangyup81
Economics always turns political because there's always two sides to every economic topic.

Correct. We have one ideology that believes in self-interest and human action and we have the other who believes in altruism and central planning. The Austrian School vs. Keynesians. Praxeology vs. Marxism. Volutnary exchange vs. coercion. Free market vs. State Socialism. Lots and lots of politics in there.

You can talk about it but is has to be in large over-hanging philosophical platitudes.
Originally Posted By: PandaBear

No, the reason economics always turns political is because we human tends to whine, blame others for our misfortunes, and tends to think we are above average, contributed more than the average, get the short end of the stick on average.

Yup Its Big Oil's and the Bilderberg's fault.

People have enough money to pay for $4 gas but when the price dropped to $2.30 didn't have enough $money to invest in something like UGA But yea..that's someone elses fault.
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Speaking of economics

"NEW YORK – Wall Street swindler Bernard Madoff said in a magazine interview published Sunday that new regulatory reform enacted after the recent national financial crisis is laughable and that the federal government is a Ponzi scheme."

Seems reasonable that the biggest Ponzist on the face of the planet would know the Federal Government is one.
I'm happy topics disappear instead of getting locked. When they're locked they serve as a reference for rehashing the same argument over again next time... with the same players.

Kind of like when agitators are made to disappear in real life.
Shoot.....we don't even discuss the economy, politics or religion with some members of our family.....much less on a board where you can't look someone in the eye!

Oil and water don't mix....same with religion and politics.
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