New F-22's inbound to AK

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Incredible pictures--I'm struck by the level of detail and color. It's hard to imagine an airplane capable of supersonic cruise and still be agile as a dogfighter (hats off to the designers).

the super-cruise and agility mostly comes from the new engines; 35,000 lbs of thrust each compared to the f-15's 25,000 lbs each. that's 20,000 lbs more thrust total. then you vector the exhaust and you get greater maneuverability then anything else in the US arsenal.
It's also 3rd generation stealth and all of it's weapons are stored internally.
Its electronics on board far beyond anything that we currently use.

Maybe Putty Putin will rethink sending those old p.o.s. Tupolev TU-95 Bears into our airspace now.


I love the F-22. Those are great pictures.
Well I dont know if you call it Hover--but it can sit still in the air and turn itself around, then take off--
I've seen two F-22 do a fly-over during last year's Fleet Week event here in SF. They did not perform any aerobatics.

The only jet aircraft able to hover horizontally are the Harrier and the F-35B and a few experimental jet planes like a Yak Forger, a modified F-104 and Dornier 31 and a few others, including the Moeller Skycar (tethered).

Check the F-22's specs and you will see that the plane cannot possibly hover horizontally. Thrust vectoring is limited to no more than 40° (if I remember the figure correctly) exhaust deflection. "To hover" in this context means "stationary, level (horizontal) flight under own power" and the F-22 can't do that.

Depending on the angle from which you observe a plane perform maneuvers, it may well appear that the plane hovers for a while, because you really do not have any reference points when staring at an object in the sky.
Ok...Ok I have seen 2 demos and it sure look like it hovers to me--may be moving slightly but its not very much, I can tell you that. Its certainly not moving at much speed when it was doing certain things, almost a standstill
Is it "hovering" near the ground or up at altitude? they do a slow speed maneuver with the nose pointed up so that the plane is stalling and the thrust of the engines is holding it up as it moves slowly (relatively) horizontally. that is not a hover, it does not stop. a prop stunt plane can do almost the same thing. the F-16 can also amost do the same.

only the harrier and the F-35c truly hover, the rest are in a stall condition.
Looks like he's just hanging right on the edge of a stall.
I assume US piots are more conservative at airshows than the Russians, because I haven't seen any American planes do stuff like the SU-30 etc. have been doing, and I'm sure the F-22 can do that stuff as well.
I've seen the F-22 done in Marietta while I was spending some time at's F-16 escort needed to stay on the burners just to hang with the Raptor.......

Goosebump city man watching these bad boys!

Back in 2002 my brother was at NAS Atlanta (Dobbins) I saw an F-22 taking off and I almost drove off the raod cause my eyes were glued to it.

How much longer for the F-117 before they head to DM AFB to be retired ?
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