Need paint care regimen for new car

Great write ups. I carry a 6 ounce bottle of Griot's Speed Shine and a microfiber towel in each of our cars to combat the stray bird poop bombs while away from home.
It'll be a nicer car, not a Corolla lol.
$1,500-$3,000 seems really steep for me, it must be on some whole other level than ceramic coatings I've seen videos of the DIY crowd do, because I don't think that is worth $500 an hour.
To me it is well worth the cost of a professional application. If garaged you can get a solid 5yrs out of it as long as you wash it and just dry it with a booster. Nothing special, just spray on and wipe dry. Professional applications are done with a better product than a DIY can do for the most part. Like in a controlled environment to apply and cure.

Paint correction as stated above is needed on all new vehicles. It's not like you are able to buy the vehicle a week after it just came out of the paint booth. It has sat and was not taken care of for at least a few months at most so iron and such has set in on the paint that a simple wax can't take out.

Depending on the place if one guy does it all or they have several, it takes a good day of work or two if done well so it's not really $500 an hour. If it was then it would be $5k or more. Plus most do the wheels, even taking them off to do them correctly. Not to mention the entire vehicle gets coated, glass, plastic all of it. Takes time to do thinks like the grill with all the little tiny spots to clean, correct and coat.

Think of it as a major protection plan. It is so much easier to keep clean and lasts.
Wash, clay, and Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions Ceramic Spray Coating. My truck lives outside, and the coating lasts one year in upstate NY.