My boss is an idiot

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Originally Posted By: Rand
and this has what to do with motor oil?

States at the top..."General and Off Topic" it doesn't have to be about least that's the way I see it.
Originally Posted By: Rand
and this has what to do with motor oil?

And motor oil has what to do with the General and Off Topic section?
I think the scary part of this thread is that some of you folks have a law in your area making idling a vehicle illegal. That seems a bit Orwellian to me and open to abuse and interpretation.
Originally Posted By: andrewg
I think the scary part of this thread is that some of you folks have a law in your area making idling a vehicle illegal. That seems a bit Orwellian to me and open to abuse and interpretation.

We have it here too.
I've seen lots of people leave their trucks idling all day; excavating contractor's foreman, mainly. They'll hop in and do paperwork for ten minutes, maybe move the truck 200 feet across the site, and then hop back out to pound stakes, shoot grades, or talk to one of the operators. An hour later, they're back in the truck for ten more minutes of paperwork. Meanwhile, its running all day with the AC blasting and the windows up to keep dust out of it. Not saying its right; just that I sure wouldn't want to pay their gas bill.
"Put hours on it" infers that there's some type of meter built in to track this guy's use of the truck. If he could only find some way to get the meter counting without running the engine, he'd do everyone a favor.
Originally Posted By: Rand
and this has what to do with motor oil?

you have been attacking Off Topic threads with this same moronic comments a lot lately, haven't you? What are you trying to achieve with this? Don't you get the meaning of OFF TOPIC section? This is probably the 4th or 5th time you have done this in the last 1-2 months.

You either need to stay out of topics that doesn't concern you, learn to understand what OFF TOPIC means, and most of all, stop harassing threads.
Originally Posted By: andrewg
I think the scary part of this thread is that some of you folks have a law in your area making idling a vehicle illegal. That seems a bit Orwellian to me and open to abuse and interpretation.

Not that it makes sense or is good but I think someone should be able to idle their personal vehicle they own as long as they want if they want to pay for it. But if they are doing it with a business vehicle for fraudalent reasons, that's a different matter.
Actually I'd have to say this thread has a lot more to do with oil than marriage, politics, people overpaid, Soviet / NATO rivalry, NASA budget cut, investment, bailout, tax, redneck projects, ...
Originally Posted By: andrewg
I think the scary part of this thread is that some of you folks have a law in your area making idling a vehicle illegal. That seems a bit Orwellian to me and open to abuse and interpretation.
It's a tough balance, but he is adding pollutants to the air. Worse would be if he idles it all day at home and fills the neighbor's yard with exhaust so the neighbor can't enjoy his property. But yeah, the slippery slope of regulation. When will they mandate that cars shut off at traffic lights to avoid excess idling? Of that you can't sit idling to run the air conditioner for half an hour while your wife is in the store.

Now I like this idea:
Originally Posted By: dwcopple
stick a potato in the tailpipe tomorrow!
...and every day thereafter!
Does boss have a spare key? If not, and if the truck is out of view of his window, go outside and lock the doors on it while its running.
or you could turn the engine off and take the keys and throw them in the grassy field behind the parking lot. at 5pm, watch the guy look befuddled about where his keys are. ahh, I'm just full of hate today.
Originally Posted By: TallPaul
Originally Posted By: BobFout
Originally Posted By: Rand
and this has what to do with motor oil?

Extended idling puts fuel into the oil.

Of course it does not have to have anything to do with motor oil since we are in the General and Off Topic forum.

What he saves in taxes, if that is his reason, he probably spends in fuel.

Unless I did the equivalent of drunk texting the topic was in "PCMO" section and moved.

But I apologize anyway.
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Sounds really bizarre. This is the first time I've heard of anyone doing this before. What a waste of gas!
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