Mrs.Kerry,Sweet to the Core

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Labman, my statement was obviously tongue in cheek
, I don't care for televangelists. I believe they're mostly made up of hot air.

Thanks for the liberal tag. Are you listening, Buster? LOL

Originally posted by labman:
''Originally posted by MarkC:
All part of the game, so why get upset and complain?''

''And at least she didn't exhaust her vocabulary and have to resort to the F word, unlike some.''

'' My, my, it takes a lot of nerve to complain about 'PC', when all you have to do is voice disagreement with the administration to be labeled a traitor, communist, socialist, whatever.''

''What do you call it when the government is allowed to snoop into what books you buy or check out of the library, what websites you visit, and encourages you to tattle on 'suspicious' people?''

''That's pretty harsh, and I think not very true.''

GM, '' I've concluded that the increase in hot air is largely the responsibility of Jerry Falwell.''

MarkC's response '' I concur.''

I can't believe how clueless you liberals are. You turn around a do exactly what you accuse others of. You gripe about everything, and then turn around and gripe about others complaining. Are complaints OK as long as it is about Bush or Falwell, but not Kerry? Shame on me for accurately quoting you.

Sorry if you take my comments as complaints. Not meant that way, any more than yours are.
As for being a clueless liberal, I'm neither, thank you very much.

Originally posted by GROUCHO MARX:
Labman, my statement was obviously tongue in cheek
, I don't care for televangelists. I believe they're mostly made up of hot air.

Thanks for the liberal tag. Are you listening, Buster? LOL

Sorry about the collateral damage Groucho. You add a touch of humor this board can use. I have issues with friend Jerry myself. I was really aiming at MarkC who is as negative as anybody here, but apparently feels we shouldn't post anything negative about Kerry or his own posts.

As for hot air, is it only a concidence that global warming is happening about the time of the rise of the internet?
you can post whatever you want about Kerry , me , my posts, or anything else you want. Frankly, my dear, I don't give a **** . Well actually, I do. I want you to post whatever you want, to say whatever you, about whatever you, and I'll do the same. I will try not to attack people personally or come across as negative. There is a lot of negativity here from most of us in one form or another, and that's unfortunate.
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