Most overused words/phrases for 2011

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Originally Posted By: rshaw125
Diverse / diversity.


And the attempt by people to increase diversity by making everything the same, and destroy individuality.
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Originally Posted By: NJC
I wonder how long the filler phrase "You know" has been in circulation? ...

In the corporate world I heard "traction" a lot. A bit off topic, but one of the funnier corporate expressions: "We don't want to drill any dry holes."

It was, like you know, around for a long time.

Where do the corporate people pick up this lingo?
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Originally Posted By: Pablo
I've actually asked some of the eco-freak occupiers....OK I found one, and between drinks of Cab, I asked him to, like, define transparency.....and well, he was clueless, and then just sayin' he knew like this much, you know like everyone should know what the 1% do with their money because it's our money you know.

When all is said and done, our lifestyle is just not sustainable and the world is headed for an epic fail.

I'm clinging to my bible and gun. Well, my squirt gun. Well, I don't even have a squirt gun, but in the warm weather the garden hose can sure be a deterrent.
Originally Posted By: Skooba
I was watching New York "Ink" a few nights back and thier entire vocabulary consisted of two words... "dude" and "bro",, maybe it has to do with the tattoo crowd?? The word "organic" instead used to mean chemical free gardening but I hear it used all the time on non-edibles and this it just the last few years.
I hate it when politicians or military types use the phrase 'collateral damage' instead of saying, "Yeah, we're blowing up kids, civilians, livestock and pretty much anything else that happens to be in the area." It's a cheap way to minimize indiscriminate murder.

Also, what exactly is a person of interest? I know what a suspect is. Is there some reason you can't call someone a suspect now?
like is the worst. I dont like it when poeple have to say like after every word. It just proves the lack of knowledge the people of this world actually have. Its usually the people that pop gum and wave there hands around when they talk.
All these words are misused cause people dont know their intended meaning. So they just use them whenever.
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