Mobile 1 Synthetic ATF in place of Mercon for Transfer Case..

Okay, I'm gonna back peddle a bit. With the info about no Mercon V in these TC's I have to think the formula of M1SATF I put in 10 years ago was different than what it is today. I've read posts where people say there was an old formula and then a newer one with Mercon V specs.. I've also read that Mercon LV is accepted for this application now that Ford TCF is no longer available.
I can keep the 3 new bottles I bought for the next Trans change.. But I've decided to avoid all these new multi vehicle formulas because I don't want t gamble on a new T Case on a 22 year old vehicle that otherwise runs mint. I was able to score a good deal on Mobile ATF D/M for $20 bux for a 6 quart case..

The data says it's not meant for Mercon LV apps. LOL Why is this so complicated??
If that particular M1 ATF says it is for Dexron III applications on the label, then it is the right one to use in your transfer case. You can use Dexron III interchangeably for Mercon.
Back when common D3 was getting torched by 2500’s on heavy hauls - guys went to the Mobil 1 ATF and never looked back …