Mobil 1 Extended 12k interval 2005 Prius

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Nov 13, 2007
Los Angeles, CA
I am encouraged and will use Amsoil 0W30 for annual changes (12k to 15k miles)

From Blackstone comments:

Everything looks good in the first sample from your Prius. You ran this oil almost 12,000 miles and
all wear read around averages. Those averages are based on an oil run of ~6,800 miles for this type of
engine, so your engine is wearing better than most considering the long oil change. The TBN read 2.4, so
this oil still has lots of active additive remaining. 1.0 is too low. No fuel or coolant found and air and oil
filtration look good. Since you're interested in longer oil changes and your engine looks great, we suggest
going to 13K-14K miles for the next sample.
Just curious as to why you want to switch from Mobil 1 EP if it performed well in the application? Don't get me wrong I LOVE the SSO and have stashed a significant quantity of it, but it looks like you found a good match for your set-up. I like Blackstone's comment about the TBN..."lots of active additive remaining". They should say "some active additive remaining" with a TBN in the 2-ish range! Did you have to add any make-up oil during this OCI?

If you can provide the UOA data in this UOA section of the website, it would be appreciated. Otherwise we are left with the uninformative Blackstone comments that seem to be more often wrong than right.
Why push it? Nothing "bad" happens if you change the oil a little before you have to. I think it's false economy to push these oils and ocis. .02.
Whats wrong with the M1? sounds like it performed well for ya,it's cheaper and readily available OTC..stick with what works.
Not sure how we can comment on a UOA that isn't here!

Anyway - Maybe he wants a better oil delivered to his door. Annual changes of SSO are not risky, will keep your engine clean, and certainly won't break the bank. Pretty sure most people spend more for a tank of fuel. can you say "better" when all wear metals are on par!!!,he don't know that ams would come in lower,i doubt it would,and even it did some, hard to justify the large price difference when this oil clearly works in this app.
Originally Posted By: daman can you say "better" when all wear metals are on par!!!,he don't know that ams would come in lower,i doubt it would,and even it did some, hard to justify the large price difference when this oil clearly works in this app.

I can easily say "better" because SSO is better. Why are you saying the wear metals are "on par"? I don't see any wear metals here. If you are taking Blackstone only on their commentary, then you missed many of the "entertainment only" threads. Yes SSO is slightly more expensive that Mobil 1 EP, but for a few bucks more you get a better oil, I fail to see the issue. We are talking about a couple gallons of fuel difference.
Originally Posted By: Pablo
Why are you saying the wear metals are "on par"? I don't see any wear metals here.

Originally Posted By: DrRocket

Everything looks good in the first sample from your Prius. You ran this oil almost 12,000 miles and
all wear read around averages.

just going by what was said here,and why should'nt i

sso is allot more then EP,not every one has or wants a PC..
I can't find an easy way to post a copy of the pdf report.

I like M1 Extended since they promised 15,000 OCI and I got 12,000. Based on 2.4 TBN, I most likely could have gone the distance.

I switched to SSO because they claim 35,000 or one year. I drive about 20,000 in a year and would love to only change oil in all my cars once per year. Also, Amsoil claims a better ball bearing test--maybe some marketing hype? But I will be testing Amsoil as the miles pile on.

I switched the filter from Toyota standard to Mobil 1. Currently I am going with the Amsoil filter.

How can I post the pdf of the report? Step by step directions are appreciated.

miles on oil 11,934
miles on car 64,482
make up oil 0.5 qts
aluminum 3
chromium 0
iron 11
copper 1
lead 0
tin 1
moly 79
nickel 1
Mang, Silver, titanium all 0
potassium 1
boron 46
silicon 18
sodium 6
calcium 2576
magnesium 15
phosphorus 681
zinc 880
barium 1
sus visc 61.2
cst visc 10.55
flashpoint 385
fuel anti f 0.0
water % 0.0
insoluables 0.3
tbn 2.4

Please post your comments.
You will no doubt like the SSO (I am a big fan), and I understand why you would want to switch from M1 EP now. Unlike you most of the people I know drive year so they max out on time before they get to the miles prior to an OCI. Looking at your new wear rates and TBN depletion curve will be quite interesting. Just remember that the SSO has a "severe service" life of 17,500 miles so if you end up changing your driving style over for some reason you might want to check up on it via UOA around that time. Good luck and may your garage floor remain clean!
Looks great. Solid viscosity. I would have stuck with the EP for availability reasons but you chose a good alternative. Should be a good comparison.
Wow looks great except for the high silicone so check duct work and air filter etc....Just last night my Dad found a craked vaccum line on his Tacoma. Who knows how much dirt that thing has been letting in and for how long? Since he does not do UOA his tinkring was the only way he found this! I do not know how much better SSO can do in this case! DO not get me wrong Amsoil is good stuff and usualy outperforms M1 in everything it is put in but this is already a preety good almost great report! So do not be too disapointed if SSO does not outperom this M1EP UOA!Chances are this oil would have made it to 20,000 as long as you kept toping it off as needed. 2.4 TBN would hold their for some time before dropping anymore. When you get down to between 2-3 on the TBN most quality synthetics like M1 and Amsoil tend to stabilize for a while before they drop any lower. Do not know why it just an obsevation I have made from looking at a lot of UOA!
James, I just don't see 18ppm over 12k as being that much. I also don't see much Al or Chrome. Everything is noise. He's at about double the mileage for the averages (according to the comments).


I would have liked to see TAN/Oxi/Nitr numbers to see a bit more.
UPDATE: Now that I switched to 0W30, I am getting 10 percent more mpg. I drive 50 miles per day, half city stop & go and half highway (carpool lane :))

I used to get 44 to 45 mpg and now I get 49 to 50!

Of course this is the second tank of gas (same as before Chevron gas) and with the price of gas, there are fewer folks on the road. But it is noteworthy, I had not ever gotten 50 mpg in the Prius over the long haul.
Of course the Amsoil Pimps chime in. If Blackstone says everything is okay and you ran 12k then why not stick with it? Besides, who wants to spend $80 on one oil change?
Huh...I'm the one who asked WHY he wanted to switch from M1 when it did good. That's why I was wondering if he actually did. Read the third post in the thread before you call anyone a pimp good Sir.
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