Mixing redline??????

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Mar 12, 2007
I have seven quarts of redline 5w30 should i use it for one oil change, or mix it with the maxlife i have stocked up. Thinking of going four quarts maxlife to two redline? .Any thoughts. I'm thinking that i would be wasting the redline by mixing it??
First off I presume it's a the older SL/SM formulation which is really a 40wt oil, certainly heavier than M1 SM 0W-40.

I presume the MaxLife you have is their 5W-30?
So there really isn't any benefit to mixing in some RL, you don't need a heavier oil or the higher ZDDP really. But if it was just to use it up I'd add a maximum of one quart of RL to the MaxLife.

Once the MaxLife is gone and you need to get more oil I'd suggest picking up some TGMO 0W-20, it's only $5.65/L, and go with a 50/50 mix with RL. This will give you an appropriately light 5W-30 with a 188 VI, 900 ppm of ZDDP and 350 ppm of moly.
Originally Posted By: CATERHAM
First off I presume it's a the older SL/SM formulation which is really a 40wt oil, certainly heavier than M1 SM 0W-40.

I presume the MaxLife you have is their 5W-30?
So there really isn't any benefit to mixing in some RL, you don't need a heavier oil or the higher ZDDP really. But if it was just to use it up I'd add a maximum of one quart of RL to the MaxLife.

Once the MaxLife is gone and you need to get more oil I'd suggest picking up some TGMO 0W-20, it's only $5.65/L, and go with a 50/50 mix with RL. This will give you an appropriately light 5W-30 with a 188 VI, 900 ppm of ZDDP and 350 ppm of moly.
Yes it is the sl/sm formulation, i picked this up for 6 bucks a quart, the maxlife is 5w30
Originally Posted By: CATERHAM

Once the MaxLife is gone and you need to get more oil I'd suggest picking up some TGMO 0W-20, it's only $5.65/L, and go with a 50/50 mix with RL. This will give you an appropriately light 5W-30 with a 188 VI, 900 ppm of ZDDP and 350 ppm of moly.

Wasn't your mix with M1 0W40 because both oils were from the same mfg? I realize there is no problem mixing oils from two different companies. You just peaked my curiosity because this is a bit different than your typical blend, and could start a don't mix different oils fiasco. LOL
Originally Posted By: dparm
I would not mix Red Line with MaxLife.

Originally Posted By: demarpaint
Originally Posted By: CATERHAM

Once the MaxLife is gone and you need to get more oil I'd suggest picking up some TGMO 0W-20, it's only $5.65/L, and go with a 50/50 mix with RL. This will give you an appropriately light 5W-30 with a 188 VI, 900 ppm of ZDDP and 350 ppm of moly.

Wasn't your mix with M1 0W40 because both oils were from the same mfg? I realize there is no problem mixing oils from two different companies. You just peaked my curiosity because this is a bit different than your typical blend, and could start a don't mix different oils fiasco. LOL

Yes it's certainly not a "CATERHAM blend" but the fact remains that Red Line is on record stating that their oils are compatible if mixed with other OTC oils. Just don't tell buster 'cause you know he'll have a fit.
How can an oil that meets the requirements of a 30, by the definition of what a 30 is...be really a 40 ?
Originally Posted By: Shannow
How can an oil that meets the requirements of a 30, by the definition of what a 30 is...be really a 40 ?

If it has a HTHSV of 3.8cP especially with a lowish 162 VI. But I think you knew the answer to that.
Generally it is only a hand full of low volume non API boutique formulators that make such oils therefore falling outside of what the SAE will normally see. Nevertheless it's been my contention for a long time that SAE grades should have maximum HTHSV levels not just minimums.
It would avoid the "free lunch" that many mistakenly believe in buying oils such as RL with very high HTHSVs relative to their KV100 spec's.
Originally Posted By: CATERHAM
Originally Posted By: demarpaint
Originally Posted By: CATERHAM

Once the MaxLife is gone and you need to get more oil I'd suggest picking up some TGMO 0W-20, it's only $5.65/L, and go with a 50/50 mix with RL. This will give you an appropriately light 5W-30 with a 188 VI, 900 ppm of ZDDP and 350 ppm of moly.

Wasn't your mix with M1 0W40 because both oils were from the same mfg? I realize there is no problem mixing oils from two different companies. You just peaked my curiosity because this is a bit different than your typical blend, and could start a don't mix different oils fiasco. LOL

Yes it's certainly not a "CATERHAM blend" but the fact remains that Red Line is on record stating that their oils are compatible if mixed with other OTC oils. Just don't tell buster 'cause you know he'll have a fit.

Thanks for the reply. The truth is all PCMO can be mixed with other brands of OTC PCMO , so this really isn't anything unique to RL. These mixing questions come up frequently, and are almost worthy of becoming part of a FAQ sticky thread.
My current fill is the ONLY one I am actually afraid to mix (or even top off) with another company's product, due to the totally unique add pack, and maybe even the base stock composition to some extent (but I'm guessing it is similar to Motul's 300V series, the base stock, that is
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