I have a 92 Mitsubishi EVO 1, that I’ve been using as my daily driver for almost two years. Due to the gearing, these run at high RPM down the highway. (Pretty much 4K) I live right off the blue ridge parkway, so tons of hills! Sometimes I will spend 2 hours driving the car hard, pretty much always above 4K rpm. The car is slightly modified, and makes 360WHP. The oil has a hard life.
Factory spec is 5w-30/10w-30 depending on climate. When I first got the car, the valve train was noisy with 5w-30, switched to 10w-30 year round and no valve train noise. It does get down to the 20s occasionally here in the winter.
I’ve been using royal purple HPS 10w-30 for 3,000 mile intervals, given the hard life this car leads. It will consume roughly a quart during this interval. No smoke out of the tailpipe, turbo is new, and plugs are always dry. Considering it does spend a lot of time at higher RPM, again sometimes 2 hours being thrashed on and hits redline pretty much every other day. I would chalk that up to normal consumption.
The HPS I’ve been lucky to always find on a massive sale each year, and I will stock up. I’m completely out, and it hasn’t been on sale. Looking to switch to something else, that isn’t so spendy. Any recommendations? Should I move down to a 5w for better cold start up, and a 40w for added cushion given the hard life my car endures?
Factory spec is 5w-30/10w-30 depending on climate. When I first got the car, the valve train was noisy with 5w-30, switched to 10w-30 year round and no valve train noise. It does get down to the 20s occasionally here in the winter.
I’ve been using royal purple HPS 10w-30 for 3,000 mile intervals, given the hard life this car leads. It will consume roughly a quart during this interval. No smoke out of the tailpipe, turbo is new, and plugs are always dry. Considering it does spend a lot of time at higher RPM, again sometimes 2 hours being thrashed on and hits redline pretty much every other day. I would chalk that up to normal consumption.
The HPS I’ve been lucky to always find on a massive sale each year, and I will stock up. I’m completely out, and it hasn’t been on sale. Looking to switch to something else, that isn’t so spendy. Any recommendations? Should I move down to a 5w for better cold start up, and a 40w for added cushion given the hard life my car endures?