Darn mice

Ask this guy , he probably knows.
As long as you check it regularly, I've had great success with these. The first night I managed to get 4 by rechecking the trap throughout the night. Don't both with the high dollar multkill trap. I've had one for over a year, and it hasn't gotten a single mouse.

Shake a good amount of fine black pepper on ground where the engine is located . Move car , apply black pepper and park back in place . Buy large clear container of fine black pepper .
My neighbor has a wicked looking Siamese cat that mostly stays outside. We have no problems with mice, unless finding dead ones from time to time is considered a problem, and I dont think it is.
And speaking of **** mice...I pulled the Dakota out for a drive yesterday and out of habit I popped the hood and found another nest on top of the engine. Something in that spot is very appealing to the little [self-censored]. This time it looked like the material was insulation, which concerned me because my mind immediately went to thinking that they're now making their way behind the drywall. Turns out that builder stuffed some insulation in one part of the garage which wasn't drywalled so that's where that came from (I saw evidence that they were there). But I'm at my wits end here; I've got traps out (and I caught one this weekend) and despite the risk of the things dying in an unreachable place, I have poison baits in the garage (which have yet to be touched). I've also got some blocks of cedar on the floor under the vehicles. I can't go the cat route.

I've seen pros/cons to the ultrasonic devices but I think that's the only thing short of me camping out in the garage waiting that's left. Anyone have experience with those?
I think we may have to give thanks to mice in the upcoming weeks they may have saved us all.
Traps and toxins out side and inside the garage with pets or live stock taken into consideration . Treat the rodents as the enemy in a war.
I’ve been having major problems with mice sneaking the peanut butter off the standard snap traps I typically use. No matter how little or strategically I put it on the trap I’d come back a day or two later and find the pb all gone, licked clean. I have a trap in view of a cam and have watched multiple times as one or more mouse jumps right over my trap, stop in from of the cam to give me the finger and the goes along it’s merry way!

I found my new favorite trap: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B083LDK...abc_JKQTS7F1PA6FSJGAN5WC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

The food cup is removable from below - it screws in half a turn. The trip has a hole in the middle so the mouse has to climb onto the trip to get down into the food cup. When I killed the latest mouse the food cup was still as full as it was initially.
Anyone have any ideas on how to keep mice out of and off of cabin filters? I have the check them periodically, and every time I do, there’s droppings and urine all over them. Never fails

Is this vehicle not used every day? There's not a lot you can do when it's a seldom used vehicle in or near an area that supports rodents.

Gotta start with the big picture. Are there bird feeders or other food sources nearby?

In terms of traps, the plastic T-rex style ones @gathermewool linked to are excellent.
I’ve been having major problems with mice sneaking the peanut butter off the standard snap traps I typically use. No matter how little or strategically I put it on the trap I’d come back a day or two later and find the pb all gone, licked clean. I have a trap in view of a cam and have watched multiple times as one or more mouse jumps right over my trap, stop in from of the cam to give me the finger and the goes along it’s merry way!

I found my new favorite trap: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B083LDK...abc_JKQTS7F1PA6FSJGAN5WC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1

The food cup is removable from below - it screws in half a turn. The trip has a hole in the middle so the mouse has to climb onto the trip to get down into the food cup. When I killed the latest mouse the food cup was still as full as it was initially.
That's a cool design.

I have a few different traps, mostly snap traps, some electric ones as well as a 5 gallon bucket/plank style trap. I live in a rural area surrounded by forest. I'd say I've been getting at least 1 mouse a day since October. Highest I've had so far was 5 in one day. I probably have 12 traps between the shed and garage.
I keep a block of mouse bait under the hood of my F150. Usually on the battery. When you see it's been chewed on, there's a dead mouse somewhere. Mice just about ruined another truck I had. Peed in the heater box. No problems since putting the bait under the hood.