Meguiar's Medallion Paint Protection - any respect?

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Mar 2, 2005
I have tried all the Meguiar's: hi-tech yellow #26, polymer sealant #20 but I've gotten the best results from the Medallion paint protection.

Usually I will do:
1) fine cut cleaner or medallion paint cleaner
2) #7 showcar glaze (liquid crack for the paint)
3) Medallion Paint protection

Now I understand this stuff is harder to come by than their regular #26 etc, but for those of you that have tried it, isn't it just as good as Zaino, or am I missing something?

I get the most incredible durability I have ever seen, along with some kind of crazy anti-static properties that keep road grime (think salted winter highway junk) from sticking to it.

I have used it in the past. Meguiars makes some great products but I have found that Zaino is Better!!
Also, you may want to check out the Griot's Garage products. DC car care is another great site. I like the Collinite wax that DC car care has.
Have you ever used a Clay Bar?
Going back to Zainos, it seems to withstand the New Jersy enviroment longer than anything else I have seen.

Good Luck
I first tried Medallion as a beta sample just before they launched the product in the early 90s. I loved it on black and other dark colors and used it for a few years as my go-to product on single-stage black paint. It was an expensive product at retail (around $20) and never sold well. I don't recall any pro detailers using the stuff either.

Meguiar's reformulated it a few times since its intro but by then Gold Class came out and sorta killed it in the retail marketplace.

Medallion never found its niche and is going to be discontinued by Meguiar's due to non-compliance with new federal VOC regulations (and poor sales, I'm sure).

I dunno.... I liked it 10-15 years ago but too many other products have eclisped it in performance and price. I think their NXT product is better in almost every respect.

Anyway, if you love the stuff, search around and snap up as much as you can. The Medallion paint polish is also going bye-bye so grab that too if you like it.
I use it too. Like bretfraz, it was my "go-to" wax. Like other Megs products, the MPPP can be tempermental. Thinner is good and from learning about Zaino as well, thinner is better. Since NXT hit the market and I have never tried Zaino, NXT has been my "go-to" wax. I like MPPP for my bike's wheels, gas tank every now and then and other small things. I think MPPP is a great product and will continue to use it until my bottle runs out. Maybe one day I'll bite the bullit and give Zaino a try,,,,,AR
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