mazda skyactive maintenance in Extream heat

Aug 16, 2021
hello ,we are a group of mazda 3,6,cx 3,5,30 owners live in extreme hot , dusty environment with an average temperature 109 °F.
and the owner manual doesn't have any hot countries and we have few questions after i have read alot of discussions
1- we compared ATFs and found that mz-fz is fully synthatic made by idemitsu indonesia , toyota ws is meniral oil have group 3,4,5 , louqi moly 1800 are semilar to mazda fz but half priced and semi synthetic , dexron vi and KIXX ATF DX-VI are a bit thicker , quarter of the price and fully synthetic can we mix mz-fz with dexron vi , and when to drain and fil ? all data sheets are here Google Translate
2- are catch can necessary if we use 0w20, 5w30 api sp , sn + , low sulfer , because on our experience with 43500miles , 25 miles car there is minimal carbon build up on cylinder valve maybe of the heat?
3- regarding bulit in mazda oil/air seperator under pcv when to clean them and how , what did mazda change after this article because my car is 2.0 2015 Mazda CX-9
3- when to chenge transmision coolar because there is a website recommend to change it every 4-5 years Google Translate 4- when to change break fluid in in dry environment because i haven't found an accurate tester
5- will cleaning maf , oxygen synsor with maf cleaner damage it , what is the recommended interval ?
6- fl22 and motorcraft vc10a2 are semilar , and motorcrafet said " Motorcraft® Yellow Antifreeze/Coolant can be used to top-off or entirely replace (drain and refill) antifreeze/coolant in vehicles factory-filled with Motorcraft® Specialty Green Engine Coolant. Motorcraft Yellow Antifreeze-Coolant Backward Compatability.pdf , but in the 2021 ford SDS the yellow has 2-eha
is it better than fl22?,, can we dilute it with 35/65 distilled watter to increase heat exchange (in 0.951 quart Measuring Cup , 0.62 quarts premix , 0.33 quarts distilled water
7- what do think of this schedule :
each 5.6k miles or 6 months
: engine oil and filter , clean engine air filter by hitting it only , clean engine air box with air gun while closing maf inlet , injector cleaner , clean radiator from the back to front with air gun ,
each 11.2k miles : cabin filter , tyer rotation
each 18.6k miles :
replace engine air filter
each 24.8 : break fluid synthetic dot 4
each 37.3 or 43.5 : drain and fill transmission fluid with filter , fuel filter PE11-13-ZE0 and PE01-13-ZE1
each 62k miles : coolant flush , both engine belt and tensioner , pour catalytic converter cleaner in oxygen sensor inlet , spark plugs , clean maf , manual cleaning with brush valve, intake , intake manifold with there specific cleaner ,, throttle body
each 124 miles water pump and thermostat and radiator cap
thanks and we really appreciate your help
Well, what years are these vehicles? The later skyactiv engines had a redesign that keeps the intake valves hotter to help burn off the carbon. I wouldn't mix transmission fluids, I would just use what Mazda says to use. These transmissions aren't cheap to replace so I wouldn't risk putting anything in other than their recommended fluid.
I'm going to point out the obvious:

109 degrees air temperature means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to any car.
Every single fluid that runs through the vehicle runs hotter than 109 degrees, under normal operation conditions.

Engine coolant cycles between 215 to 230 degree range constantly, and as it runs through the cylinder heads and piston bore jackets, it is exposed to temperatures of several hundred degrees.
The engine oil is aimed directly at the undersides of the pistons, is pumped through the crankshaft and camshaft bearings, deals with hundreds of degrees, and again, doesn't care about the outside temperature being a measly 109 degrees.
The same goes for the transmission fluid, rear differential, transfer case, brake fluid, and even the washer fluid doesn't care.

Why people keep thinking that 109 degrees means anything to a car is beyond me.
Just because YOU are uncomfortable at that temperature doesn't mean the car is impacted in the same way, or at all.

Stop over thinking your ownership, and just drive the car.

Mazda Owners Manuals don't spell out different needs for hot countries because there aren't any, because normal operating conditions are hundreds of degrees hotter than what our planet is capable of subjecting it to in its hottest locations.

what years are these vehicles?
2014 to 2021
later skyactiv engines had a redesign that keeps the intake valves hotter
which year exactly?
extreme hot and dusty place located?
saudi arabia and there is no other similar hot country in the owner manual
Just because YOU are uncomfortable at that temperature doesn't mean the car is impacted in the same way, or at all.
actually the owner manual stated " inspect the drive belts at every (12,500 miles) , replace the engine oil and oil filter at every 6,250 miles or shorter.
  1. Driving in dusty conditions
  2. Extended periods of idling or low speed operation
  3. Driving for long period in cold temperatures or driving regularly at short distance only
  4. Driving in extremely hot conditions
  5. Driving in mountainous conditions continually " so it has an affect on service interval

    thanks all for replying

I believe 2018 and later skyactivs use increased intake valve temperatures to avoid carbon buildup. That doesn't mean earlier models have any problems. There are many skyactiv owners with older high mileage vehicles and they continue to get great performance and good fuel mileage. I wouldn't worry about the valves at all. As another poster mentioned, the car doesn't "feel" heat like we do, and 109 degrees is nothing to a car. Stop worrying, maintain car as per manual and find something else to worry about.
Engine coolant cycles between 215 to 230 degree range constantly, and as it runs through the cylinder heads and piston bore jackets, it is exposed to temperatures of several hundred degrees.
The engine oil is aimed directly at the undersides of the pistons, is pumped through the crankshaft and camshaft bearings, deals with hundreds of degrees, and again, doesn't care about the outside temperature being a measly 109 degrees.
The same goes for the transmission fluid, rear differential, transfer case, brake fluid, and even the washer fluid doesn't care.

Why people keep thinking that 109 degrees means anything to a car is beyond me.
Just because YOU are uncomfortable at that temperature doesn't mean the car is impacted in the same way, or at all.
Not to start a war or anything, but engine/transmission failures go up the hotter the temperature goes up. IME transmissions are more susceptible to failure in hot temps, engine cooling systems degrade as the car ages and cannot dissipate heat like it did when it was new.
Not to start a war or anything, but engine/transmission failures go up the hotter the temperature goes up. IME transmissions are more susceptible to failure in hot temps, engine cooling systems degrade as the car ages and cannot dissipate heat like it did when it was new.
I have NEVER seen any of my vehicles have a different operating temp with respect to engine or transmission temp based on the outside ambient temp. The operating temp is the same at -10F as it is at 100F +/- a few degrees and dependent on what I'm doing with the vehicle.
I have NEVER seen any of my vehicles have a different operating temp with respect to engine or transmission temp based on the outside ambient temp. The operating temp is the same at -10F as it is at 100F +/- a few degrees and dependent on what I'm doing with the vehicle.
As my vehicles have aged, they typically didn’t run as cool in extreme hot weather as the did when they were newer. Water pumps degrade, radiators can have buildup, engine seals start leaking. All of that contributes to an engine not being able to handle hot temperatures as well. Thanks for your pov.
wow! so much information and most come from NONE MAZDA Skyactiv engine owners. :rolleyes:
Also I can see that a lot of information comes from what I think are member's that do not have complete on board data monitors to watch multiple engine operation as they drive? . So how do you all know what your engine and ECU are doing to adjust for different engine and driving conditions with out comparing more then temperature readings. How about knock values, IAT, timing, etc.?
I also read a lot of speculations about temperature's and how the ECU was programed and again for a MAZDA Skyactiv engine?
Just to be clear for a couple that actually drive MAZDA with Skyactiv engines...... the OPs year range inquiry covers theme!
With the fires in California, Oregon and Nevada I get to do a lot of OFF the MAZDA scheduled maintenance!

How about some of you turn it around and answer each of his questions and concerns?
No I dont feel so bad that some of you think I am a :poop: head with some of my responses.... geeeez this poor OP came to this forum not a MAZDA forum for help?

FYI I can monitor at any time up to 105 ECU area's of engine/transmission operations setting specific preferences up to 8 monitors at a time on one page with available pre-set 7 pages that I can access easily and safely while driving.
On a separate analog gauge I can switch between a different area different then OE oil temperature and also view transmission oil temperature at one of the hottest points before it goes back into the pan. That said some of your responses are again not accurate regarding a MAZDA Skyactiv engine!

The way I see it this forum some #1 should be answered easily?

#2 only from those that have used them and more importantly used them on a MAZDA Skyactive engine
#3 Only Skyactiv owners that have done it or someone that works in a shop and has serviced that area
# 4 well its actually missing lol so the second #3 I think anyone that works in a shops knows this answer and maybe a couple DIY, hint a type of paper.... lol ;)
#5 Any DIY that keeps up on their easy maintenance on their vehicles can answer this as well any service tech/mechanic!
#6 Any service techy and I would think several core members it not a brain killer question? I am not going to because I already got scolded for suggest a member top off his half empty reservoir with distilled water. Like what about 8-16 oz will throw off the whole 50/50 mix OE from MAZDA ? lol
#7 well that one could get long and drawn out but the fact that the op lives in the country that is hot dirty dust bowl should still make it at least common sence answers and suggestions? Maintenance schedule are for a time or mileage doing them before does not harm and may be prudent in some operating environment. Don't you all think?

Ok lets not make this about me and how a responded please lets help this member a little. I know a few of you by know and I know we all can!
I simply run 0w40 winter 2k oci, and 5 or 10w30 summer 3k interval. I will replace the air filter when it needs it. The trans fluid will be dumped at 30k miles, probably the other drive fluids then too. Coolant according to the service manual. Brake fluid next year.
I actually expected more form you. You are the only one that caught I swapped out my ECU. No one on any MAZDA forum figured that out?

I am not the one that is going off on a tangent that is not applicable to the OP’s question, confusing as it is.

99.9% of drivers do not have monitoring gadgets mounted to tell them everything that is going on. There is no need to complicate this any further.
I am not the one that is going off on a tangent that is not applicable to the OP’s question, confusing as it is.

99.9% of drivers do not have monitoring gadgets mounted to tell them everything that is going on. There is no need to complicate this any further.
my point, responses are based on less then the best information! Yesterday I took a picture of my 2018 MAZDA 2.5 at its adjusted engine temperature. Lots of information in this picture that contradicts some posted information on this thread!
But I ma not going to pick apart everyone's response because this thread is asking about MAZDAs and responses from most are not about MAZDA.


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