Loving Low Carb

low carb works for me..... if I stick to it... problem always is kind of backsliding slowly into the carbs..

carbs seem to trigger the " eat more of this because it tastes good " thing
i had a little xtra body fat BUT not really fat, BUT my BP was high + low carb + just loosing a few lbs dropped it to a safe range it was in my 20's + of course i feel BETTER, good luck to all trying to loose body fat + get HEALTHIER the main goal!!
Late to the party, but my wife and I haven't had any "white" carbs for nearly 10 weeks, no breads, pastas, rice, potatoes...well grains at all as well ('cept in beer).

It's certainly doing us favours in shape and appetite/satiety.
Been doing low carb, high intensity aerobic workouts + anaerobic weights for a year now and am in much better shape. I eat a volume that fills me up and I don’t gain body fat.

Excessive carbs are the enemy. They cause heart disease, inflammation, and all sort of issues. I suspect that humans should not eat more than about 100 grams per day, if even that.