looking for some short term disability answers

Mar 19, 2021
I was hoping someone in the insurance world could hopefully answer a question/concern I have.

In 2001 I had a work related back injury, claim into workers comp , had a discectomy in 2004 , everything for the most part ok till about 9 months ago, my back problems have begun to haunt me , and just barely working currently, which is casually related to original injury , at this point looking like surgery again . I just recently found out that because of the time span from original date of injury that workers comp will cover med bills, but coverage for loss of work time is lost after 18 years from date of injury. I have a good short term disability plan at work that I pay into, but , everything I read , for that plan , or most anything in regards to short term disability plans , that work related injuries are not covered . I can understand the reasoning of preventing double dipping, but looks like I have found a little black hole where I get no loss of work coverage,a tough situation to be in when bills don’t stop coming in. With talking to friends and family the thinking would be is if coverage is not provided thru comp then std should come into play. Anyone knowledgeable in this area care to chime in , thanks in advance.
How would they know it's work related if it happened 18 years ago? And how can they associate what happened then to what's going on now? Just tell them you were lifting something heavy at home when the pain started.
How would they know it's work related if it happened 18 years ago? And how can they associate what happened then to what's going on now? Just tell them you were lifting something heavy at home when the pain started.
same leg and foot pain as 21 years ago , dr notes stating it was caussually related and also stating , severe degradation to spine in L5 s1 area, been seeing drs for 7 months now