Lets see the cars!!!!

Thinking of Summer.

I may have posted this pic in another thread, cant find it, but here are the colorful pair. If nothing else these two original colors just scream '70's in all of its garish, lurid glory.

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1990 Mazda B2200 it’s the newest addition. Twin to my 1989. Now I just have to decide between the yellow antique plates and the black antique plates for this one. I’m leaning towards black, yellow would stick out too much though you can customize the yellow ones.
Trying to figure out what the red thing is? Car is nice, the color suits it well. I laughed because, well it’s a brand I don’t care for 😁😁😁😁.

It's just a piece of art in Toronto near where my sister's condo was. Thought it made a good backdrop for the picture, the contrast between the blue and red. Would have been better without the construction fence but didn't have much control over that.