Keep Your Old Car

I found this with my 93 Tercel. It used to have many, many suppliers but it’s dried up over the last 5 years. Toyota has also stopped making critical parts.
My distributor died a few years back and it was either a junkyard OEM or junk aftermarket. I went for the used OEM but it wasn’t super easy to find.
I found the same thing on a '00 Xterra. The only distributors available seem to be junk aftermarket. So buy one with LT warranty and just keep replacing. The problem is that it's a literal show-stopper when it dies.

If it were my vehicle I'd just carry a spare. It's easy to swap on the side of the road and exact timing doesn't seem to matter much, so you can time once back home.
I wish the US made it possible to live without a car. That would be my solution, if I could do it. But nope. Not as much as sidewalks in my small Georgia town.
Am reminded of a saying: if you don't like how I drive, then stay off the sidewalk!

Not many sidewalks around here either. Recently I took my daughter to a class, and elected to walk a couple blocks to the grocery store, rather than drive. Was nice to stretch the legs, and was reminded of college, and everything in walking distance. I too pined for a more simple lifestyle... thing is, instead of listening to traffic I now listen to nature when I go outside. Good or bad, there's some nice things to being walking distance to everything, and being a long drive to anything (and everyone at that).