Is there such a place?

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Oh and thats amazing too. I had a 59.5 D in Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Liberal Arts Math...

but I graduated with High Honors, I guess thats what happens when all your classes are "A"'s and all your math classes arent LOL

Plus I was big in the Culinary Arts Dept AND the History/Social Studies Dept (AP Courses for History/Psychology/Sociology)
Originally Posted By: GumbyJarvis
Dont come to Florida, they only teach you how to pass an end of year exam (FCAT)

Sadly, teaching for the test is typical.


Stinks, I graduated in 2010, 3 years of math, 3 years of a "D" grade at 59.5 which is a D in this state.

Having lived in the South my entire life, this still amazes me. Even in NC that would be an F...I think our D was around 70%. NC does have some counties with excellent schools, but most are lacking. Private schools are common...and at least one of those in Charlotte still required clear backpacks to mitigate contraband entering the school.
in my district I was in the grading scale was
A- 89.5-100%
B- 79.5-89.4%
C- 69.5-79.4%
D- 59.5-69.4%
F- 0.5-59.4%

District did away with "0" my 6th grade year, said it offended people.
So to make it fair I guess them doing away with 0, they had to change them all? IDK lol all I know is I am out of school for the time being, when I leave for the Army, and in 4 years I dont want to reenlist, Ill use my MGIB wisely...
Answer? Indiana! It satisfies all of your conditions. And if it does not, just change it. You have all of "your people" already in the place. Be glad that you are not in OH, MI, MN, WI etc.
Originally Posted By: gfh77665
The closest place to your description is rural Texas, IMO. At least for now. Texas will suffer due to illegal immigration, and eventually go the way of socialized / bankrupt California, but for now, you sound like a Texan.

Stay out of the cities, and welfare dependent east TX. The panhandle, west TX, or the Cen-Tex is the best bets for you.

You are probably right.

It's the size of the cities.

Dallas is about the size of San Diego, Ft Worth is about the size of Denver, and Arlington is about the size of Minneapolis. But they are all stuck together and it becomes the 4th largest metropolitan area behind Chicago. Houston is right behind that.

With cities that size you will have big city problems.

Central Texas? I don't know....seems like San Antonio and Austin are drifting closer together for their own "supercity"
Originally Posted By: GumbyJarvis
Oh and thats amazing too. I had a 59.5 D in Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Liberal Arts Math...

but I graduated with High Honors, I guess thats what happens when all your classes are "A"'s and all your math classes arent LOL

Plus I was big in the Culinary Arts Dept AND the History/Social Studies Dept (AP Courses for History/Psychology/Sociology)

Hmmm...I graduated from a FL high school too and thought mine was really good. It all depends where and how motivated your teachers are.

You found the right place (Indiana), but unfortunately missed it by time. Some decades earlier, and you might have found your ideal living place. Now, every one of your points have been eroded down and there is little that we can do about it. This isn't something that happened overnight, either. A.W. Tozer talked about the erosion of faith back in the 1940s, for instance.

Remember, how you choose to live, irregardless of how everyone else chooses, is solely dependent upon your decisions and moral compass.
It sounds like you like your countries capitalist; and there is no country more so than the one you're in now.

I know there is a growing movement to gather together as many free market libertarians as possible to the state of New Hampshire in an effort to exert some influence over policy. Perhaps not a change of country but of state is what you're after?
If you're under 30 and have no family commitments, the world is your oyster.

Throw out any preconceived notions and apply for every and any contract position you can find abroad.

It's a big world out there and you'll never have this level of freedom again. Family and career commitments, as well as health will eventually catch up with you.
My advise...start building your time machine and look back to America's forgotten past. The answers you are seeking lie there my friend.
Originally Posted By: Tim H.
I was kinda thinking Montana. Low crime because no one lives there, guns because everyone that lives there has one, Job opportunities because no one else is around to take the jobs. Free trade because your only able to get to your neighbors for trade before you run outta gas, Quality schools because there aren't many kids in a class anyhow, more one-on-one. No socialized medical because everyone there hates the government, heck what else could ya ask for?!!!

Montana just voted in a measure saying that corporations do not have Constitutional rights.....

Montana is out.
Originally Posted By: uc50ic4more

I know there is a growing movement to gather together as many free market libertarians as possible to the state of New Hampshire in an effort to exert some influence over policy. Perhaps not a change of country but of state is what you're after?

I was going to mention this, particularly in how it hits the papers once in a while but doesn't gain momentum.

It may be possible in some states, probably more rural ones, to create a legal township with a few hundred people in an otherwise unincorporated area. So-called "cults" have pulled it off. Then you largely control the schools and taxes.

Am I the only one smelling the hutspah of your parents raising you, taxpayers subsidizing your education, other people paying your health insurance... and now suddenly you're grown up and don't want people leeching off your efforts? If there were some secret "abracadabra" that would unsaddle us from the non-working, wouldn't there already have been a mass exodus? I'm not trying to dissuade you from the effort... and by all means this is the time in your life to decide this direction. But also look at those before you and why they stuck it out.
Originally Posted By: eljefino
Am I the only one smelling the hutspah of your parents raising you, taxpayers subsidizing your education, other people paying your health insurance... and now suddenly you're grown up and don't want people leeching off your efforts?

The OP said he's 23 and has no kids. Did you think of anyone but yourself or anything but being consumed by the wants of the "self" when you were 23 and/ or had not yet had children? Had you yet grasped the interdependence of being a contributing member of a society at 23?

OP, go make your mark on the world and live it up (you won't regret it); but if you're looking for a developed, civilized nation WITHOUT socialized health care and without social programs and without anyone else touching your treasure AND is not the U.S., you're in for some suffering as your "moral compass" may differ dramatically from the collective (read: voting) moral compass of others.
If you were to set an arbitrary floor for your utopia, would that line be at about your level? What of others who would join your utopia, or run it? Would they let you in?

If you were the least above average person there, how would you handle that day-in and day-out?

Just some points to ponder.
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