Investing Strategies. What is your move?

There are too many distortions in the current economy.
After 15 years of:
- Zero interest rates to prevent short term recessions and postpone the pain until the future (the future is now).
This caused asset bubbles in all asset classes: Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate, Commodities, etc.
- Quantitative easing (several rounds of this). Governments printing trillions of new money.
- Household credit card debt at a level never seen before in history,
- US government debt at 31 trillion dollars (how are our children and their children ever going to pay this back)?
- Bank failures of regional banks continuing.

It obvious stocks are the place to be for long term gains. I get that.
But these distortions in the current economy will at some point wreck havoc with all asset classes sharply declining (aka Crash) before things go back to normal.

I would prefer to stay on the sidelines in a Money Market with a safe annual return of 5%+,
and wait for the crash to happen, and then buy stocks, real estate, etc at very low prices, and avoid the huge losses of holding the assets during the crash.

Great theory. And you know when a bottom has been reached, how?
Great theory. And you know when a bottom has been reached, how?
Bottoms are impossible to predict. My goal is not to find the bottom.
It's just to wait in a Money Market fund for a substantial decline in all asset classes and then start buying.
This would allow avoiding a huge loss, and instead buying low where a recovery (3 years afterwards) could make you a fortune. If the crash doesn't happen, I'm still earning a guaranteed 5% annually, which I am content with.

I agree with your game plan. I myself have a little cash on the sidelines.
Timing the market is impossible. Everyone should always be 100% invested all the time.
Except the current market has too many distortions and this 1 time, I want to be in a risk free asset earning 5% annually, and wait for a significant market decline that I believe has to be coming. Every bubble must burst.
Timing the market is impossible. Everyone should always be 100% invested all the time.
Except the current market has too many distortions and this 1 time, I want to be in a risk free asset earning 5% annually, and wait for a significant market decline that I believe has to be coming. Every bubble must burst.

What makes you think a market decline is on the horizon ?

I made a little money back in 2022 with the market decline.
What makes you think a market decline is on the horizon ?

I made a little money back in 2022 with the market decline.
I'm not saying it will happen in 2023, but it will happen eventually in the near future. The current economy is not build on a solid foundation. Every house of cards must collapse, and I am a little too close to retirement age to get wiped out.

There is 1 sentence Warren Buffet said in an interview a few years ago.
That 1 sentence has really stuck with me.
Warren Buffet said: "Rising interest rates act like gravity on stock prices."

What he means is that it costs growth companies more to borrow money to expand their businesses.
It means people will leave the stock market (aka sell stocks) when the risk free assets earn a good return (ex: 5% like it is now).

The reason the stock market has gotten so overvalued is that with 0% interest rates for most of the last 15 years,
bank accounts were paying 0%, so the only game in town was the stock market, and everyone put money in and with more buyers than sellers a bubble formed. But now with money markets paying 5%+ return, this trend will reverse. More sellers than buyers, markets could go down over an extended period.

If I'm wrong, the worst thing that will happen to me is I'll earn the 5% annual return from the money market.
My monthly savings rate is so high that all I need is 5% return. My frugality and debt free lifestyle frees up so much cash to save every month. I don't even need to worry about the stock market.
But when stocks go on a clearance sale LOL, I'll be buying.
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Apple announces a really big deal that will back up their commitment to invest almost a half a trillion dollar into the US economy.

Good to see this.

Yes, good to see made in the USA. Another advantage I see is that chips made in the USA will be secure.
I don't like buying electronics from foreign companies based in countries that are our potential adversaries.
No telling what kind of spyware could be buried in the hardware/firmware.
"Stimulus cash" was burned up a long time ago, lol.

Some folks on TV say there’s still unspent stimulus cash….

I didn’t get a penny of stimulus cash and very unhappy about it.

I remember seeing 400 cars in Home Depot parking lot during the shutdowns and I felt bad for mom & pop owner of ACE Hardware store, they were forced to be closed.
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Some folks on TV say there’s still unspent stimulus cash….
"Some folks" ... who have an agenda I'd bet, lol. Most likey the only stimulus cash left unspent might be the money people put in their kid's college fund if they were smart.
There are gobs of Pandemic money still around, it was handed out to states, schools, and buried in other places and bills.

For example you can still apply for a ERC credit - if you kept your employee - $26K per employee - in 2023 - in addition to PPP money you already got.

A friend of mine who owns his own business told me he made more off the government in the last couple years than he did off anything else. He started this company 20 years ago.

State of South Carolina handed out the school districts billions of fed money. They "suggested" bonuses and raises for teachers - most South Carolina schools stayed in person through most of the pandemic. My wife was only "from home" the first 2 months in 2020 - back to in person August 2020. Of course our district did not. They used the money to hire all their friends to work at the district office -you know the part of the district that does nothing to educate anyone, just make more rules.


More info on the amount:

There are gobs of Pandemic money still around, it was handed out to states, schools, and buried in other places and bills.

For example you can still apply for a ERC credit - if you kept your employee - $26K per employee - in 2023 - in addition to PPP money you already got. program&utm_campaign=ERC&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=2562129534&hsa_cam=19157722054&hsa_grp=143615734225&hsa_ad=643130974713&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=kwd-1218019084682&hsa_kw=ertc program&hsa_mt=p&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gclid=Cj0KCQjwyLGjBhDKARIsAFRNgW91vnAncA9rm5hVGqiHVPpjCoDXyKOnsqUstzxrqNNRboet8o3xewIaAn9vEALw_wcB

A friend of mine who owns his own business told me he made more off the government in the last couple years than he did off anything else. He started this company 20 years ago.

State of South Carolina handed out the school districts billions of fed money. They "suggested" bonuses and raises for teachers - most South Carolina schools stayed in person through most of the pandemic. My wife was only "from home" the first 2 months in 2020 - back to in person August 2020. Of course our district did not. They used the money to hire all their friends to work at the district office -you know the part of the district that does nothing to educate anyone, just make more rules.


More info on the amount:


But oh we don't have enough money. Ugg.