Interesting story about not changing your oil.

Is it true that no OM comes with these vehicles? Hard to imagine. Did he ignore some OLM dash light(s) along the way?

Reads like the guy is a bit air headed. Huge mistake trusting the indy shop OCI info. An expensive lesson in proper 'basic' vehicle maintenance.
Sorry - I didn't even know there was a video (and didn't think about it really).

Kinda even makes him seem more of a mallet head. Dumb as a bag of hammers. New truck = expensive (and NO owner's manual, ***???)
He said the oil light came on (1:22 in the video "The oil light came on and I didn't do an oil change right away")
He said "oil light change switch" I THINK. Doesn't really matter.

10:1 someone HERE will confuse lack of maintenance (like the basic, check your oil) with logical controlled, planned extended intervals.
There must be more to this story than that news article. If the engine seized, it was probably out of oil. That means letting the oil run dry without replenishing it, which means he never checked the dipstick and ignored at least 2 check engine lights.
Sounds too strange to be true, but truth is sometimes stranger than fiction.
PS someone once said it's hard to make machines idiot proof, because idiots are so clever.
....Sounds too strange to be true, but truth is sometimes stranger than fiction.
Yes indeed. And though off topic, more proof of that in this recent thread posting linked. Agree, seems like there is or should be more to this story

Cerberus I think it was... I don't care, I just remember thinking wow, what 7 year old D&D playing kid came up with that LOL.. then the "Pentastar" name heh... pentagram... they were on some sort of devil kick.

The "Pentastar" name comes from the original Chrysler logo:

And here we get bent out of shape for members using Conventional at 5K. Sheeeesh!
Very expensive mistake.
Define "right away".

I have some sympathy for him as this engine has a bit of a rep for uh.... blowing up.

I find it interesting that the dealer isn't saying he didn't check the oil because there was none in it...

I bet we have less than half the story here ...

Still I bet he either reset the light or it was relentless nagging him to change the oil, so you ignore the pretty lights, you win the prize which is in this case a big bill and a news story...
And here I'm concerned with my transmission revving higher than normal for several minutes while my 'Queenie Blue' is cold here in wintery WI.
Based on several comments from members this thread, piqued my interest about engine in topic. Googled 'Ram 1500 EcoDiesel engine troubles'. Just read first entry and 4 comment replies to that entry article. Not going to link, if interested can do same google.

Without excusing what the owner did or didn't do or should have done here, I do believe there is more to this story.
I'm reading about it on the CTV Toronto FB page and the amount of comments like this is not surprising....and people wonder why their cars don't last.