Installed drain Plug Without Gasket.

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Jun 8, 2002
Elizabethtown, Pa
Anyone want to take bets on how much oil I lose replacing it? I think I can do it with less than 8 oz. lost.
Is this on your Subaru Al?

If it is, I'd say at least 1/2 a quart since the drain plug is the largest one I've ever seen!

I sure wish I could find a Sure Drain for my Subaru but for now, the Fumoto is better than the stock plug. Just have to be under the car for the first 2-5 mins while the stream of oil goes from the left tire to under the drain pan.

The stock plug really allows for QUICK drains!

Good luck. Bill
I've done that Actually, Slowly take the Plug out, Immediately cap Your Finger over the Outlet, Have someone to Put the gasket on the Plug, and reverse..You really won't loose enough to Worry about.
Or you could drain the oil into a clean contaner. Then put the gasket on the correct way, wipe the bolt hole clean and install the plug. Refill and walla- no oil mess
I honestly can't remember changing the oil on a vehicle with a gasket on the drain plug, I know I have had to change one on the oil pressure gauge sender but I think I just cleaned off the surface on the pan, the surface on the plug, made sure to not cross thread it and put it in as tight as I could get it hand tight.

Never been an issue.
I've never replaced my gasket and it is fine. It never leaks and the gasket looks fine.
Eons ago, Wal-Mart failed to replace the washer on my VW's drain plug. It never leaked. I replaced the drain plug with a VW OEM plug with a permanent steel washer, and it's been fine for over 75k miles (15 oil changes).
That's odd... if you buy Honda filters from the dealer, they come shrinkwrapped with a new washer for your drain plug. One oil change, I didn't get a Honda filter and therefore reused the old washer... and it leaked!
A quick hand will net you very little loss.
Actually, more loss is better because of the amount of fresh oil that would have to be installed to replace the missing used oil.
always use a new drain plug gasket, copper is best, aluminum ones or steel ones are cheap but work. The old ones deforma nd take a set, they won't seal perfectly. Guys, its like 15 to 35 cents, the engine is worth a lot more!
Originally Posted By: 508
I've done that Actually, Slowly take the Plug out, Immediately cap Your Finger over the Outlet, Have someone to Put the gasket on the Plug, and reverse..You really won't loose enough to Worry about.

Pretty much did that. Handed the plug out to the wife and she slipped another one on.

4 oz. loss.

Yea Bill it was the subie. And it was leaking.
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if you have a shop-vac take the nozzle off, and stick the hose over the oil filler can take the drain plug out and you wont lose any oil..ive personally done this a few times and its worked everytime for me
Originally Posted By: Travis99LS1
if you have a shop-vac take the nozzle off, and stick the hose over the oil filler can take the drain plug out and you wont lose any oil..ive personally done this a few times and its worked everytime for me

Now that's thinking out of the box...
Originally Posted By: Bill in Utah
I sure wish I could find a Sure Drain for my Subaru but for now, the Fumoto is better than the stock plug. Just have to be under the car for the first 2-5 mins while the stream of oil goes from the left tire to under the drain pan.

I just installed a Fumoto on my car. Went to look-see what the Sure Drain is. The Fumoto appears to be a LOT easier to use (I'll use it for the first time 5K miles from now).

The only reason I installed one is because the oil filter in my car is a cartridge type on top of the engine, so now I don't have to get under the car for anything since I can easily access the Fumoto lever by reaching under the car just behind the right front wheel.

You could have gotten a Fumoto with a nipple if using a hose would be advantageous.
Originally Posted By: rangerdood
That's odd... if you buy Honda filters from the dealer, they come shrinkwrapped with a new washer for your drain plug. One oil change, I didn't get a Honda filter and therefore reused the old washer... and it leaked!

This is actually not true. There must however be a documented practice where the parts guys slit the wrap slightly on the OF and slide in the washer. Must be documented somewhere cause I have seen this done in three or four states.

When opening a new unopened box of filters from Honda (either Flitech Inc or HoneyWell) you will find no washers.

Just an FYI
I have installed several drain valves (Sure-Drain and Fumoto) with full crankcases of oil. Simply put my thumb over the hole while the plug was out. Lost maybe an ounce or two at most.

Don't try it with a hot engine though!
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