Inflation Hedge


Jun 8, 2002
Elizabethtown, Pa
I am 75 so unless it destroys the country I'll be ok. It seems to me that with the amount of debt over the last 10+ years and now really accelerating it is almost a matter of time.

I think Bitcoin may work as a self regulating currency. I own some but not a lot. I buy it on Paypal. In addition I have, LEGR, Koin, BLOK, BLCN.
May I ask, at 75 years of age what is the expected rate of return on the speculative's mentioned?
Inflation hedges have typically been in things like precious metals. But their returns have been horrible except for a year or two here and there compared to the S&P 500. Your hedge would just be a code word for lower returns if it doesn't come to pass. It's a gamble either way.
I am almost your age. I have been buying gold & silver. They have always had an intrinsic value which fiat currency has never had. If you are curious about what happens to your original question, get a copy of this book;

Another way to fight inflation personally is to reduce your spending. Anything you don’t absolutely need can be targeted. If you get big refunds back from Uncle Sam every spring then shame on you. Get that fixed.

At the age of 75 this might not apply but sometimes even older people have expenses that they don’t need or use any longer.
I would have said mortgage + rental properties, but the pandemic eviction ban means this could be a new kind of risk.

In general you have a few ways to hedge against inflation: borrowing money for investment, buying something that can grow and appreciate, diversify away from monetary investment (i.e. land, precious metal, arts, etc), and diversify to avoid risk of foreign exchange, single market, boom and bust, geopolitical instability (i.e. don't put all your nest eggs in Burmese real estate, for example) etc.

You do need to have enough liquidity for your short term expense, so you are not forced to sell any investment in bad time. This depends on your living expense instead of age and percentage of your assets.
Franklin Mint Elvis plates? Maybe a large armory filled with common caliber ammo?
One thing to consider just like real state location, location. Just like suit case full of Benjamin's Vs full glass of water.

In the city money rules, in the dessert 20 miles away from any one I am taking the water.
I am 75 so unless it destroys the country I'll be ok. It seems to me that with the amount of debt over the last 10+ years and now really accelerating it is almost a matter of time.

Look into VIPSX. l think it might be exactly what you are looking for.
I had the opposite result. The land I previously owned just costs me taxes, while the homes I bought have zoomed in value while providing me steady rental income. Whatever works though.