Im so sick of hearing bad things about pennzoil...

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But let me tell all you Pennzoil people something. I can almost guarantee that if you went out and bought a brand new Corvette ZR1, you won't be putting Pennzoil in it. Coincidence? [/quote]

It's not Castrol either! It's Mobil 1 for the factory fill and I would have no proplem using PP in this app.
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I used PZ in my year-old Acura and thought it ran great. I regularly use Chevron and Havoline during break-in. That's one thing people have tp get over, the idea that dino oil is not adequate in 98% of engines.
Originally Posted By: wcbcruzer
See, no one is willing to use regular dino Pennzoil in their high-end cars.

I don't see anyone using Mobil Clean 5000 either.
Originally Posted By: wcbcruzer
See, no one is willing to use regular dino Pennzoil in their high-end cars.

You did not say all high end cars, you said a new ZR-1 Vette. And Chevrolet recommends using a 5W-30 synthetic in that engine. Why would you want to use any conventional oil in that application? If I owned any other Chevrolet they made I would have no problem at all in using the YB Pennzoil in it.
Originally Posted By: wcbcruzer
See, no one is willing to use regular dino Pennzoil in their high-end cars.

That would be foolish to use any brand of conventional oil in a new Corvette, because the warranty clearly states that you need an oil that meets GM 4718M specifications, and no dino oil meets those specs.
I wouldn't knock Pennzoil products, however I ever did Pony up the cash for that Vet, I'd be running what the Manufacturer states PERIOD!

Frank D
Originally Posted By: wcbcruzer
See, no one is willing to use regular dino Pennzoil in their high-end cars.

What? This is like asking someone to run regular gasoline in a forced induction engine that the factory requires premium. The application requires a level of performance to tolerate specific mechanical conditions.

High performance cars often have specific requiremets on lubrication and fuel for example, not becasue the cars cost more and more expensive fluids are Insurance but rather to gain the performance that these cars boast the vehicles components are exposed to higher stress levels(heat energy from turbos and high compression is a primary concern).

The cost of the vehicle has nothing to do with the oil specification. There are $30k cars that require syntehtic and there are $30k cars that do not. For those that do not require synthetic I would run them there entire lives with YB without reservation.
Originally Posted By: wcbcruzer
See, no one is willing to use regular dino Pennzoil in their high-end cars.

Nobody said they would use Castrol either but does that mean it's not a good oil?

As for the ZR-1 and conventional oil comment.....well that was just dumb!
Originally Posted By: demarpaint
I wouldn't knock Pennzoil products, however I ever did Pony up the cash for that Vet, I'd be running what the Manufacturer states PERIOD!

Frank D

Well as stated, Mobil One AND Pennzoil platinum BOTH meet the oil specification for this car, so you're covered either way. I have no beef with Mobil One, but since I'm a Pennzoil guy, I would use the the PP. Especially since it's a little cheaper.
Sorry, I didn't know what oil Chevy recommends in the manual. I don't own one. Some of you guys missed my point. Anyway, I'm happy to hear a lot of people like Pennzoil. I think I will use some on my next oil change if I get a really good deal on it. But if I don't, I won't. I still don't think it's BETTER than other oils. I'm talking about DINO, not PLATINUM.
I used to use Mobil products but from what i've been hearing on this board I switched to Pennzoil conventional/synthetic for the rumors.People will believe what they want even if you give them proof other wise.Joe
Originally Posted By: Dually
I used to use Mobil products but from what i've been hearing on this board I switched to Pennzoil conventional/synthetic for the rumors.People will believe what they want even if you give them proof other wise.Joe

I'll have to do some reading on Pennzoil then. I would like to believe what others do. I just haven't seen any proof of it. I usually don't read threads in the gasoline forums. Although, I have learned not to trust what everyone says on this board. Too many people jump on the bandwagon and start praising something they don't even know about. Take Auto-RX for example, good product, but I've seen people telling newbies to use it for stuff it was never meant for.
Some examples of how this rumor spreads. These were posted TODAY on another forum; ironically in a thread where someone was asking about Walmart synthetic (how it evolved into Pennzoil-bashing I'm not quite sure). Enjoy!

"Only use Quaker State and Pensoil in your old lawnmower. Id never ever put it in a car I like. JMHO."

"I don't know if they still do, but Pennzoil and Q-state used paraffin wax in their oil, it builds up a layer, which is "ok", if you never switch. If you run something else it can release that layer and basically small waxy chunks can clog your oil systyem causing failure. Rare because of the circumstances involved, but that is the legend passed down."

"Ive seen torn down engines using either. One of my friends was working on his dads pickup. He bought it new and changed the oil every 3000 or so miles. He was changing it and asked me what would make the oil take so long to go down to the pan. He also said it had some loud lifter noise and pretty low oil pressure. We pulled off the valve covers and it looked like someone burned about 10 pnds of mashed potatoes in them. All the return holes were nearly plugged up and you could scoop handfulls of the stuff out. Then we went down and pulled the pan. Same thing down there and the oil pump screen was nearly plugged up. We filled up a gallon bucket with sludge. That was just one case...granted a bit more extreme, but still represents what Ive seen a lot of times. Ive used Valvoline, Havoline, Castrol in cars and they are spotless if there ever opened up."
Originally Posted By: css9450
Some examples of how this rumor spreads. These were posted TODAY on another forum; ironically in a thread where someone was asking about Walmart synthetic (how it evolved into Pennzoil-bashing I'm not quite sure). Enjoy!

"Only use Quaker State and Pensoil in your old lawnmower. Id never ever put it in a car I like. JMHO."

"I don't know if they still do, but Pennzoil and Q-state used paraffin wax in their oil, it builds up a layer, which is "ok", if you never switch. If you run something else it can release that layer and basically small waxy chunks can clog your oil systyem causing failure. Rare because of the circumstances involved, but that is the legend passed down."

"Ive seen torn down engines using either. One of my friends was working on his dads pickup. He bought it new and changed the oil every 3000 or so miles. He was changing it and asked me what would make the oil take so long to go down to the pan. He also said it had some loud lifter noise and pretty low oil pressure. We pulled off the valve covers and it looked like someone burned about 10 pnds of mashed potatoes in them. All the return holes were nearly plugged up and you could scoop handfulls of the stuff out. Then we went down and pulled the pan. Same thing down there and the oil pump screen was nearly plugged up. We filled up a gallon bucket with sludge. That was just one case...granted a bit more extreme, but still represents what Ive seen a lot of times. Ive used Valvoline, Havoline, Castrol in cars and they are spotless if there ever opened up."

My grandpa was talking about Pennzoil the other day and recounted a guy he knew who was using it in his pickup. He told me the guy was driving down the highway and turned on the vents because it was a hot day. Lo and behold, the vents began to ooze wax from every orifice in the cab of the truck. The wax covered the entire floorboard of the truck and covered the gas and brake pedal. The only way he could stop the vehicle was to pull the e-brake and go off into a ditch area.
i think that i know that guy he was in our shop last month insisting we use 20w50 oil in his 2007 buick with 17,000 miles we did not and he left saying that we use the "light stuff" to burn up the engines so we can make more money!
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